6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

You roll le dice and that determines what PRs the setup contains

Read this

If it rolls like this for example who will make factional kill btw ? Third goon ?

Any member of the Mafia can carry the kill as their action forr that night, but it may not always be wisest to have the Goon carry the kill.

Can they do factional kill and use their ability at same time ? I meant for pr mafias

No, they cannot.

In other words game is going to be Town-sided. REEEEE
Dice Theme have their special charm.
Have a fun, boys.

the setup is actually balanced, the rolls of the dice only determine WHAT powers everyone has

looks fun /in

Welcome fam.Write in with bold btw

/in welp its bold now

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How could I not join a RNG game

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Looks at title.
Exams coming up. Guess…


lot of games on atm

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if I join this makes it the fourth game I’m alive in, and honestly, that’s three too many

yeah same honestly for once i keep surviving in all my games so im in so many lol

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or actually


can I co host

I need some experience for when I end up hosting my own

i’ll consider it, give me about a day