6d6 Mafia - Game Over - Town Wins

If Alfa is scum, would they

A.Let themselves be hung
B.Vote up their teammate who is probably able to be read as Town more likely.

Also, they put them as scum in their readlist hoping this would happen.

Or is this distancing? It’s like you’re arguing that Alfa’s vote would be the nail in the coffin for Wolfy’s wagon.

I’m slightly offended by Solic, but that’s fine.

I mean in any other game I would lie down and get lynched, but I rather not have a mislynch.

Think about it this way, Alfa was getting a lot of votes right. Then suddenly when wolfy starts getting voted would they immediately vote up their teammate.

probably the same way I described before, anyway still, the fact I see that less distancing and more surivial imo.

As well this is a statement that means:When wolfy flips town don’t blame me.

Also Alfa do you see solic as scum :thinking:

I’m unsure about all my reads, I really don’t wanna have to claim cause I dunno.

Solic? I’d see him as town earlier though looking back I’d put him back at null, not sure.

If wolfy flipped Town what would you think of solic

If Wolfy flipped town I would need to revaluate most of my reads, but scum lean probably is the obvious answer. Though it could be TvT, so it would have to depend on how he acts from then on.

So you think it’s most likely that they are scum if wolfy flops Town?

At first look, yeah, though of course it could be like Luxy in AA where I thought he was scum but he wasn’t and the whole d1 situation was TvT.


It’s T V T between you, tbf I should of Asked it the other way around.

You see they think you are scum if wolfy flips town, Now my theory is that they want to align two mislynchs and maybe make it out alive. Now you ask, Firekitten why is that. Well you see, Notice how they said before that you were Town and now null, but when I asked what do they think of solic if wolfy is town, they said scum. But they also said it could be a whole T V T scenario.

I asked again to make sure if it’s the scum one trying to make certain they think that is it, but then they said that AND SAID IT COULD BE T V T AGAIN this is more like well when they flip town I have to make sure I thought of that before, because I literally asked which one they think was most likely.

Also there are other reasons but I can’t quote them

Therefore is Alfa flips scum wolfy and solic are Town

Or additionally, if Wolfy flips town then Alfa could also walk back to her point of it being a TvT and avoid having to push on Solic.

Much of Solic’s arguments this game have been extremely forced and his reluctance to vote Alfa up and even soft-defending her by calling out us going onto an inactive makes me doubt that he’s town. Plus, she did also put Solic as a townlean based on a gut feeling.

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I realized I made it into a story so short verison:T v T, Alfa is scum trying to cause mislynched.

Yeah I should of asked it the other way around tbh

And kind of odd for this progression to happen, especially since Solic and her were both voting on the same person while she started reading him as a null.

Looking bacccck, which means, I looked back, at the older posts my dude

Sarun do you see though that they are kinda using wolfy as a spring, i don’t know how to explain it but they are accusing solic of being scum if wolfy is town, but if they were partners together they would try to frame solic in a way imo. Also with the little hesitation it took to vote wolfy.

I don’t know how to explain it I feel like I explained it badly.