[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Yes. I guess sometimes I actually do things Day 1.

But that’s not my meta at all, so I guess I just broke it because I was scumreading Priestess and wanted to prove it.

Crazy to think that reading the gamestate lets you scumread people

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Finished Skim-Reading (Didn’t properly read so I might have missed things that didn’t catch my eye):

Jgoesgaming - Null - Not enough fulfilling content. I can’t really comment on them much.
AlexejheroYTB - Null - They are a newbie and all, but I physically can’t see them caring about this game at all.
Frostwolf103 - Slight Scumlean - Frost claims I ignore SDA during Day 1 (On Day 2) and posts thinking that I am evil, but the point is that the evidence he points doesn’t exist as I do in fact respond to SDA’s posts towards me.
Shurian - Slight Townread - Town attitude, additionally it seems like his town meta. Then again, reading Shurian isn’t easy for me as I’m normally incorrect.
SirDerpsAlot - Slight Scumlean - The constant fluffposts. The only thing that’s not making me put this higher is the fact that I know he has done this as Town a lot, but he also acts like he has no idea what’s going on sometimes, it’s confusing.
PoisonedSquid- Null - Not enough content and some fluffposts. The only difference between her and Derps is the fact that I can see in some of her posts she has tried to post some content. In Deprs I couldn’t see that much at all during my skim.
Marshal - Townread - Noble claim. He’s an easy confirmable class and I believe by what he’s posted and him actually trying (Apart from the odd fluffpost here and there) he seems to be the most towny player in my opinion. Definitely going to be included in my Allies tonight.
Katze - Slight Townlean - They have posted some towny posts and to be honest, I have a gutread on them (Despite not meaning much). They just seem to be pushing towards being a Town and are actually trying by getting their point across.
Arete - Hard Townlead - Sorry but, unpopular opinion here. Arete really seems to be town in my opinion, but that might be because I have slight bias considering they were in Royal Chat with me, Luxy and Vulgard last night. Vulgard can’t really comment on it but Arete seemed to be trying and trying to make a plan. I can’t see them as groupscum and at most I see them as a Neutral Killer if evil. I can’t see them as a singular Neutral either, considering the fact that they actually seem like they are trying.
Possessed - Null - I’m going to be honest. I put them more as Null as I see them as more of a Neutral than Town or Scum. I might have missed some posts but if I had to pick one, I more or less see them as a Town. But I’m putting Null as I feel like they are Neutral.
JakeTheWolfie - Slight Townlean - Their constant pressure on players and their actual lack of scumminess makes me believe they are Town. Plus honestly is normally something that’s in a Town and it seems Jake has been honest at some points in this game.
Sam17z - Scumlean - I see it more or less as a scenario where if I’m wrong, I’d be surprised. I feel like Sam is scum, but I can’t help but fear that if he is Town and I die, we’re going to lose a lot of BD and more than likely lose the game because of it. But that’s not the point, his shading (as pointed out by Vulgard in Royal Chat) during Day 1 seemed to urk a lot of people. And most of his Day 1 posts don’t seem very townlike nor have a town attitude. Additionally, the fact he visited Vulgard (a person who visibly scumread Sam) and is a K/O class (Who claims an Offensive class), really doesn’t make him seem good at all.
Kai_5 - Null - For me, Kai is a Null. I can’t tell what he’s doing and I can’t read him. Thus I’m making this short. No read on him.
Luxy - Townlean - I’m going to put this as a similar situation with Arete. He seems like he has a proper town attitude and based on Royal Chat, he seemed to also be trying. I’m not putting much else here as I’m tired of reading and writing.

This took far too long, my apologies. But I’m tired of reading now, I hope this is fine with y’all.

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Alright after work I’ll try and be more towny and stop memeing mostly


I can’t really make long explanations right now, because I have to use my phone’s mobile data due to a blackout

I’ve reavaluated on my Marshal scumread, my main read on them was because of their D1 posts. I like the explanation he provided in regards to the “Vulgard agenda”.
@Marshal if you really want to bounty in me/Jake please just bounty me, because it’ll be wasted on Jake.

I think Squid said something about not wanting to post long ISOs, but you don’t have to do that. I really want your reads or gut feelings to analyse if you’re scum or town.

Katze has been typing for a while so I hope that readslist is coming soon.

Still think Possessed is scum, but that might change depending on what Squid/Katze do.

I’ll reread other ISOs right now, but won’t be able to actually ISO them.

Did you think their behavoir was scummy? Please give us a few reads.

I think I might know who it is, but please also give your opinion on other people.

Almost done with it. 13/14, but I want to reevaluate a few slots who’ve posted since my initial evaluation of them.

Expect it within 30 minutes, if I don’t procrastinate too much. I may trim it down a bit, it’s over 2000 words (but that’s including formatting and such)

I have a tinfoil that the scumteam is exactly Marshal/Sam, with it being a Cult game with Sam as exactly Invoker and Marshal as exactly CL, and that the plan is to use erad to fake a poison

Marshal is Town arete smh

Do you actually have reasons for thinking that?

Yes because his role card is a town one

Can you please answer the actual question

Maybe I’m getting ready for work tho

Just because I am not posting doesn’t mean I am not reading. If I don’t have any useful information to share I’d rather not fluffpost. Also I was busy.

Here is what I have so far. Chances are I am wrong on most of these.

  1. Jgoesgaming - N
  2. WazzaAzza :crown: - ???
  3. Frostwolf103 - N/TL
  4. Shurian - TL
  5. SirDerpsAlot - N/SL
  6. PoisonedSquid - N
  7. Marshal - Brain says TL but gut says SL for whatever reason…
  8. Katze - N
  9. Arete - ???
  10. Possessed - SL
  11. JaketheWolfie - N
  12. Sam17z - Strong SL
  13. Kai_5 - TL
  14. Luxy - SL

Whatever happened in royal chat made WazzaAzza write down Arete as Hard Townlead since they were “trying”. As I don’t have a read on WazzaAzza, I’m not sure what to think of this.

No way I’m making another read list this big again, this was an exhausting accumulation of 4+ hours of typing alone, and excluding doing ISOs on every player. But I was 3 people in when I realized how exhausting this would be, and like the masochist I am I finished this. I worked on this all throughout D2, which is why I was a bit more inactive today.

My D2 read list, format very original do not steal:

Jgoesgaming - Townlean*

I think both of Jgoes’ wallposts (the second one especially) come from a viewpoint that is attempting to further the town. Their post on Possessed not ending in a vote is strange, as they were so convinced Possessed was scum, but I believe that if this slot were scum, they would absolutely use this opportunity to try to lynch Possessed. I’d like to see more from them overall, as this is one of my less confident reads. Not enough content, but the content is really good.

In the time they posted after writing that above paragraph, however, they’ve been kind of white knighting Jake - they claim to have read their soft. I’ve also noticed them. I don’t know if this changes my outlook on them, but the WKing might be the sign of desperate town trying to prevent a push on someone who’s softing a confirmable class.

WazzaAzza - Scumlean

I posted my Wazza read already, upon his request.

Since then, he has posted his own reads list.

A lot of his reads are similar to my current reads, so I may be a bit biased when I say I like his list.

AlexejheroYTB - Null/Confused

Honestly, I don’t know how to read Alex. Their ISO is really lacking, but I’m aware they’re very new and it shows.

The context of the first post was more frustrated at fluffposting, which I think is a genuine attempt of steering the conversation more towards the game. The second is just frustrated at… activity? I don’t like that as much. I won’t put too much weight on this though, as their frustration is consistent and I think it’s just a lot to take in for a newer player. It was for me, and it still kind of is.

I’d really like to hear more game related discussion from you, Alex. Being confident in your reads as a new player is hard but hearing your thought process is a positive thing even if the conclusion may be wrong.

Frostwolf103 - Null***

I still like their D1 posts in general, their mindset on D1 struck me as one of the townier ones.
The rest of their D2 posts vary in quality. I think overall this slot is the one I’m most unsure of, at the moment. Their attitude seems townish, but there’s a lack of content. And their content isn’t good enough for me to have a confident read.

Shurian - Townread

Boasts quite an impressive post count, and while a lot of it is fluff there’s a few notable takeaways.

At this moment I think I trust their claim. I don’t know if Shurian regularly goes for bold plays, but it seems a bit too bold for a starting NK/Cultseen. Maybe that’s just my ToL meta talking.

Given their claim, these snippets feel genuine and I find it likely the truth.

I think if you subtract the fluff, Shurians posts are pretty good.


I think this is my favorite post of theirs, this thought process feels so real. If Shurian were scum I do not see this post existing.

I was originally going to quote like, 10 different posts of Shurians that I thought were indicative of a town mindset, but it was getting way too long. Pretty much every one of their long posts is gamesolvey in a town way, in my eyes.

I like this slot a lot.

SirDerpsAlot - Scumread

Speaking of slots I like…

“Discuss stuff!” doesn’t discuss anything

I still can’t entirely get over this interaction. While this is only second hand, it still sounds really awful.


:thinking: Isn’t it 50/50 in FoL? With only 1 N1 kill, this is… a weird statement to make. I don’t know if I buy it.

Self meta to defend non-towny pushes? Sign me up.

Now, I don’t believe in scumslips, but…

Is this fishing for claims disguised as a meme? Or is it just a meme? :thinking:

This may just be a difference in opinion, but… I don’t think fishing for Prince is smart yet?

I don’t know if I believe this as a genuine “townslip”, honestly. With everything SDA has posted, I feel like a convenient “townslip” to rid themselves of suspicion is just that. Convenient.

I do NOT like this slot. If this is just how SDA plays then so be it, but I hate how you play if that’s the case.

PoisonedSquid - Townlean*

I’ve played a few games with Squid, and they’re generally not a super active poster. Which isn’t something I like, but it’s consistent. They’re straight to the point, which isn’t awful.

A lot of their posts are questions that I’d consider productive to the gamestate, but my gut tells me that this is something they could mimic in their scumplay, but the one time I saw Squid as scum they were a fair bit more active(GI). They seem really scared to do a ML, which might be defending scumbuddies but I think this is more town indicative until more flips happen.

I think this slot can go either way, but I overall think this is more likely to be town than not.

Also worth noting that, while I don’t believe in “townslips”, their soft seems really genuine and I don’t think it’s very likely to have been faked.

Marshal - Townread

This is not a slot I was looking forward to. Marshals playstyle is… probably the hardest one to play with as a newer player.

I scumread this slot really hard at one point, and now their Noble claim feels real. And if it’s not, they’re an easy jail->exe tomorrow.

sigh, as much as I hate to admit it I like this.

This is probably true as well. I don’t think a Scorned Marshal would have been a lynch here, or even a jail target (we have Sam for that) so dropping the safe claim to go back to their mech-confirmable claim is pretty towny.

Their thought process throughout the day come from a towny mindset, even if I don’t agree with all of their conclusions - I’m fairly confident this slot is town at the moment, and if it isn’t we’ll find out soon.

Arete - Townread

Another slot I didn’t like at one point.

Their D1 was strange. I initially read it as positive, but my D2 reevaluation started off more negative towards their D1. And when Marshal first pushed Arete, I didn’t like Arete at all.

After their questionable D1, their D2 has been much better. They’re playing to solve the game, moreso than just about anybody else. When Marshal outted as Noble especially:

I find it very hard to believe this slot is groupscum.

I’m not convinced this slot isn’t NK, but that’s a bit of confbias due to their N1 jail with only 1 death. If this turns out to be a Cult game, I’d say this slot is clear. If a Physician were to exhume Vulgard as an Unseen death, I’d be a bit more skeptical of this being NK.

Possessed - Moderate Townlean

Still not sure how I feel about the “this is NE” claims, but I don’t think it’s something a wolf would do.

I think their response to Jgoes’ post on them is interesting; I think it can be interpreted either way but in my eyes this isn’t a wolf response.

Town mentality.

I do not at all think this push can be from anybody who isn’t a Princess or Alchemist

JaketheWolfie- Scumlean/Townlock (soft)

This slot is weird to me. Their D1 and first day of D2 is pretty awful, but they’re picked it up quite a bit. I will state now that I think this slot has posted lackluster content, but if their soft is to be believe then this is town.

Both of these ISOs suffer from not reading full context, and neither are truly amazing.

This quote doesn’t stand well with me, it really feels like something someone would say prior to causing a ML.

However, I have noticed their softs. So have multiple other people. This slot is very not scum if they’re to be believed. And I see no reason not to, at this moment.

Sam17z - Scumread

I don’t think there’s too much to say here. Possessed has this as a K/O, they admitted to visiting Vulgard, and their D2 posts are pretty awful - especially their defense.

I don’t trust the Butler claim. But at the same time, I think we’re much better off trying to test it than just lynching this today.

I’m just scared of the scenario where this is Butler, and Wazza is GK. I think both of those are unlikely, but it’s still a scary thought…

I see a frustrated player here, but is this town or wolf frustration?

Kai_5 - Null

I’ll just state that I personally scumlean this slot, but they apparently have a greencheck. And this is also apparently their meta. So… whatever.

Now, with Arete jailed, obviously if Kai is claiming Knight they wouldn’t have been able to kill Arete. It does make the “1 death with Arete jailed” scenario a bit interesting if this is an Unseen game.

Now, I must have missed the greencheck on Kai. I don’t see it, but I think I know where it’s from. If it’s from who I think it is, I don’t really hold much merit to it.

Kais posts are generally incoherent (Drunk irl, as they’ve stated) and most of them don’t serve much purpose in my opinion. But apparently they’re greenchecked, so I guess there’s bigger fish to deal with at the moment. I know this is how Kai plays, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

It’d be really nice if you had some more sober posts to sift through, to be honest.

Luxy - Townread*

Luxy honestly convinced me on D1 they had to be town, as nobody was questioning Arete until they did.

I don’t think this is a wolf mentality at all.

I still don’t think this questioning can come from anything that isn’t someone powerwolfing or a town - and this really doesn’t feel like a powerwolf to me. Guts telling me this is town.

That was a lot of work. The asterisks are for ones I’m a bit less confident in. Frost especially, I cannot put my finger on him.

I lost motivation for writing this a few times.

Including formatting, this is over 21000 characters. I regret everything.


And of course I forgot to write my PoE.

SDA/Sam/Kai/Frost/Alex would be my current PoE, probably in that order.

At this moment i think Wazzas alignment is 50/50, their readlist made me like them a bit more but I’m definitely biased as it shares a lot of similar views to my own. If they don’t get poisoned tonight, I think they really need to pick it up on D3.

i should not be in anybody’s poe lmao

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You only think I am scum because of mechanical evidence and not because of my reactions… great