Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

/vote Light @Zone_Q11 votecount please

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Conduit Moleland, Surge, Leafia, Alice 4/7
cheese Derps, PKR 2/7
Arete cheese 1/7
Light Light 1/7
Moleland Arete 1/7
[Not Voting] gorta, Conduit, Trochi, Eli

Hi hello
failed the midterm fuck it

While constructing the read on Arete I realized that tonally, Arete was pure town; them asking people to buy triplevote is unthinkable as scum - if people believed them they would be royally fucking themselves
I also recall they had a large towny moment although I can’t seem to find it at this moment

=> Led to conclusion that people probably didn’t kill Arete to use the exact reasoning I had (“why are you alive lmao”)

I tried to write the wallpost to only highlight the bad things about Arete to see who would agree with me
But my own incompetence in pressing a button + thread inactivity has rendered the exercise useless

Thus I would like to propose a wagon on the one person who agreed that Arete was sus and “that they might be bussing Wazza” while not committing to that idea fully:

/vote gorta @CRichard564 @Zone_Q11

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Conduit Moleland, Surge, Leafia, Alice 4/7
Cheese Derps, PKR 2/7
Gorta Cheese 1/7
Light Light 1/7
Moleland Arete 1/7
[Not Voting] gorta, Conduit, Trochi, Eli

@SirDerpsAlot @PokemonKidRyan
Can i has a case

@Appelsiini has subbed in for ElithePsycho.

Remember not to discuss the nature of replacements.


just an update on where I am relative to when I made this post

  • PKR has moved up into the ‘clearing based on posting’ category based on the … thing … that happened earlier with his approach to the triplevote plan
  • Eli’s been dropping off for me a lot today – like, he’s starting to feel a lot more popsicle-y today (and the vast majority of his posts are off-topic/apologizing for not being here/etc.)
  • pretty sure at this point that Mole/Conduit is not W/W


have you read the thread? @Appelsiini

I just woke up and I’m so tired

Anyway, I’m here now, and I’ll read things while I’m in school. Probably will take a while.



also, just letting people know in advance that I probably won’t be here for EoD (it’s at 3 AM my time and I have to get up for class tomorrow)

it is slightly possible I’ll end up making it anyway, depending on how long it takes me to finish my homework

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Can you direct me to this


it’s kind of a weird clear given that the thing I’m clearing him on is ‘literally did not interact in any way with the dead wolf,’ but

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But what?
Your open to options that aren’t Conduit because you don’t want Conduit lynched?


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Good night. I doubt I’ll be on at EoD today, but I’m satisfied about where my vote currently is.

The last time I death tunneled Arete on suspicions I was wrong, so why would I not be cautious this time around? I found it a possibility and wanted to explore it without going “Arete lockscum”

I feel dead inside, I, in all honesty should not be awake.
It is past 7 AM and I have not had any rest.

I likely will miss EoD.

Cloned, I know you want me to case you but honestly I think you trying to be overly contrarian and just go against the views of others to attempt to seem towny and independant is fishing for towncred. IDK, I could be off the mark but either way I will likely be either voted or not voted while I am gone.

If we are both alive D3, I will fully case you.
Also, welcome, Appel. I would love to hear your views whenever.

We have about an hour until EoD… 4 A.M… I can’t really deal with this at the moment, but I’m here regardless. @an_gorta_pratai @Conduit @Trochilidae @Appelsiini reminder to leave a vote by EoD or you’re lockscum (and also risk being replaced out)