Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

talk to me about where your head’s at? you’ve called all of us likely villagers at some point – GTH, who’s the last wolf?

I think my metaread on Cloned is too strong for me to consider them being a wolf

Gorta had a very, very bad start so if I had to choose without any kind of analysis, it’d be him
You’ve done some stuff that can come from a wolf, but I’ve time and time again concluded it’s more likely to come from town

Though I don’t like your logic here. You immediately jump to “Appel is probably a wolf because EoD and the nightkill” and in your next post, state that Lemon would have been the obvious nightkill for any one of us except you.

But as said, I will do analysis later

no, I think Lemon was the correct nightkill for anyone except me

I think you’re the most likely of anyone here to actually think of killing the neut, maybe I’m not giving the others enough credit but

Did you not see me voting Arete with Cloned last night?

Oh, right. I actually forgot about that.

For what I saw, you spent a lot of the day also calling me wolfy. At least when I did that ISO on you, I remember taking note of it.
Why did Arete become scummier in the span of a single EoD?

If I wasn’t on mobile, I’d probably go check your reads
I don’t trust my memory enough

I do remember you pushing Arete earlier, but you changed your mind for what I can remember


Collegeapps is royally fucking me in the ass right now



Quickfire thoughts
Gorta’s town here

  1. Tone: Appel > Arete
  2. NKA: N/A, because k-level tomfoolery
  3. Scum interactions: Arete > Appel

Be right back with points analysis


I’m going to sleep

I would like to request that no one vote until I have the chance to come back into the thread and type up my thoughts (should be around 2020-10-14T18:00:00Z)

is everyone good with not voting until I’ve had the chance to do that

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It’s a given. No one vote until we’re sure about who we want to cuddle.

4. Interactions with noot: Arete > Appel
If light did indeed reveal that they didnt check, they would’ve checked roght after light died; only person to not act 2 nights ago was appel


I have been on Arete’s rear end since d2 and Arete can account for this

If Appel is the wolf then Eli was holding out on me in SFoL 64

I will be on in the evening tomorrow. I have a job interview thing to attend

Alright so.

I think it’s either Gorta or Arete, so I’ll ISO both of them from scum!G/A and town!G/A perspective. I think that’d be the best way to go about this.

Quick NKA
The nightkill would make the most sense from Gorta because I townleaned him in my ISO, Arete townreads him and scumreads me, and Cloned scumreads Arete. Having Lemon die doesn’t reveal any info, so it would be a very safe choice for him, as we’re busy reading each other.

The nightkill from scum!Arete’s perspective would make sense if they didn’t want to straight up kill Cloned, either in order to keep others not suspicious or make Cloned suspicious about his own read.

(And theoretically, it’d also make some sense from W!Cloned perspective but that is very meh and I will be madly impressed if Cloned is scum here)

Right now Arete has had some wolf-equity the whole game, but ALSO a lot of town-equity, even if I don’t like the way they immediately jumped to almost locking me as scum even before they analysed the nightkill.

Whereas Gorta has had a lot of wolf-equity during the early game, and the only saving point is them pushing Light during EoD4 or so – and it’s actually bigger than it sounds like. That’s as far as I read. Their behavior towards their read on me/Arete during yesterday’s EoD, and their sudden flip is definitely something to be considered, ans I’ll take a look at it today.

…I ended up procrastinating. Agh.

@clonedcheese @Arete @an_gorta_pratai can we talk about something?

