A.M.A.(ask marshal Anything)

How have I managed to become an assassin with no mastermind

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you dare question the words of the host?! begone!

You were converted to the Unseen last night and have joined their chat!


Or the aristocrat and paladin in the same game.

Or aristo and devout king

or aristo and CL

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what it felt like to be playing enemy within 1

i make near min wage tho

Kai, what are you studying to become?

/shrug just threw it together

you could act like one convincingly i bet tho

Kai acts like a boomer when they criticise Greta Thunberg

imagine going to uni

kai, the steamer of childhoods


This is not Kai’s thread but I like interviewing people
You don’t want to go to university? That’s fair enough. What job are you looking for in the future or are you comfortable with your current one?

meh who cares about her when there are people who actually do shit instead of complaining about other ppl to do shit

classic political ppl

I was saying Kai’s tone mirrors the boomers who are like ‘uh why should we listen to a stupid little kid go back to school.’ xD


marshal does kai sound like a boomer

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other

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Fuckin boomers.

God i really wish this forum didn;t have no polotics rule.

the american plotics megathread would be a wonderful shitshow


too expensive, i might explore other options but i can easily see myself trying to get into management where i work

Can someone inform me what a boomer even is?
@Arete share wisdom with me pls

We are not doing this


:eye: . . . . . :eye:
. . . . :lips: