A.M.A.(ask marshal Anything)

I’d make one of these threads but I’m pretty boring

Generally colleges in UK don’t have sports teams I believe.

what’s the latest or longest you’ve ever stayed up for

I’ve stayed awake for 36ish hours before

Did you get sleep paralysis?

77 hours last summer.

What a tool.

I can operate on very little sleep

of course i passed out for like 18 hours afterwards and felt sick the whole time.

But i did it.

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I had a friend capable of wasting all of his energy and still being able to stay awake.
I literally feel asleep during a discord call trying to stay awake with them.

I awoke to ‘DARREN?’ and the sound of him and another person. And my brother waking me up.
Interesting times.

yeah that’s basically me.

I stay up and watch a lot of netflix.

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Did you know caffeine only gives you the illusion of wakeness so if you consume tonnes to stay awake over a long period of time you will eventually collapse into sleep regardless of how wakeful you felt just beforehand because your body needed to sleep

I don’t drink caffeine.

Which (completed) forum game are you proudest of your play in?

You are missing out on the bliss of coffee


I really enjoyed a chance to show my abilities as scum.

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What makes a good meme in your opinion

does it make you laugh?

and does it get old too fast?

If you answered yes to #1
and No to #2.

you have a good meme

Also, what is the best type of restaurant and why

highkey reread Luxy’s posts in this thread for some quality content

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any place that’s casual, not fast food, and serves good ribs.

Rudy’s BBQ in austin is a good example(HIGHLY reccomend checking this out if you are ever in texas)

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b r u h

77 hours

that’s over 3 full days
