A series of ToL postulates

Offensive unseen can all just occupy/redirect those pesky protectors just the same.

Usually the CW claim survivality depends on swaps. If you have a proven swap, people will most likely let you go without the though of a Sage being in the game.

And usually people will let Hunter claims go regardless. That’s a difference you can’t ignore. I’m not saying that Poacher is stronger unequivocally, but it definitely has stronger aspects too.

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Between proven CW and Hunter you can convince people easier that you are proven and shit, but I get the point

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Poacher and sage can both get a prince killed. Poacher uses bleed + traps while sage uses firewall + assassinate

Requires a good assa tho

Or just asking him to cooperate

Figuring it on his own would save a day

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indeed. PSA: Be a good assassin

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What’s a PSA?

/w 6 bleed this guy would also work but slightly more suspicious

public service anouncement

Really I thought it was private service announcement

(This is a joke, but actually is there such a thing)

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