Ability Suggestion - The Scorned

Mindwarp and mind reader in the WKM? That’s just a bit too disruptive since invest are almost guaranteed to be mindwarped after they claim.

imo you just want higher win rates i would suggest changing the wincon to live long enough to see 3 people get executed (at least 2 must be BD)

I did agree with you, so i gonna change back

Why is this needed? This will only really affect observers and alchemists.

Why did you add a cooldown? Frame is balanced, it needs a buff if anything.

Everything else is good

Shouldn’t this be 2 uses?


Really the MM style OCC immuntiy is the only change that was actually required


No you forgot the maids as well. To hang 3 BDs, needs time and when maid finds scorned in the early game , scorned loses too easily.

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I think my suggestion work just fine.

But why did you nerf frame? Frame is the last ability that needs a nerf right now, it needs a buff if anything.

It’s still a bit niche though, and I still don’t see why I see it’s needed for a neutral.