Academy {Main Thread}

“Lucky? I would consider it a blessing rather than sheer luck for her to be in our lives” Matija continues walking up the stairs

“Here I go!” She exclaims.

Indeed, she goes straight for the offensive.

Linde starts off by fanning upwards with her left fan, followed by a horizontal right strike. Her steps have become refined, graceful, compared to when she was with a sword. It seems that the fencing training had helped her in that regard as well. Her right leg was forward, and her left leg was tilted behind… to your right.

You feel a slight wind blow upwards…

matija takes a bite of the bread while walking up the stairs

“Isn’t it good?”
Ferris says.
“To have such delicacies every day… you were one blessed person indeed!”

Oh no, horrible food memories start popping up.

Faustus lowers his gladius, expecting an attack from the bottom due to the wind. He hasn’t fought against this before, so guess it’s time to improvise. After all, fire beats fire.

“Y-yep! Certainly was!”

Matija looks like they are going to puke

Metal meets wood.

Linde swoops her fan from above, blowing yet another gust of wind into his face. She retracts the fan from her right and attacks with her left, smacking downwards. She had closed the fan and was going for a quick strike at the open area. She created another gust of wind with her left fan, flicking it quickly.

Faustus 100% HP
Linde 100% HP

Condition: Win without using artes. +2 CP
Condition: Win a fight without cheating. +3 CP
Condition: Win without taking a hit. +10 CP

Ferris is too busy enjoying the bread to notice Matija’s change in expression.

Faustus tries to keep his eyes open despite the wind blasts, and jabs at the right fan, hoping to knock it out of her hands.

“I’m heading to my room for a bit. Wait until george gets back to drop off the sepith” Matija goes up the stairs and walks towards his room

(You’re right, you don’t have to hurt her to 0 to win.)

The side of the blade hits her wrist, and the shock of it makes her drop her right fan.
She stumbles backwards. She’s still holding onto her left fan.

Faustus 100% HP
Linde 91% HP

Condition: Win without using artes. +2 CP
Condition: Win a fight without cheating. +3 CP
Condition: Win without taking a hit. +10 CP

She munches on the bread.

But… there was a crowd by Majita’s room, Karen, Hunter, Elise, Magnus and James.
“What’s going on?” Ferris asks.

She seems surprisingly docile if you feed her food. She’s not even hostile towards Hunter.

“I know i’m the hero of the school with that monster that was killed but you don’t need to crowd my room” Matija attempts to get to his door and begins taking his key out his pocket

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Faustus looks like he’s ready to derp out. He mutters “Sorry” but he continues his advance. He feints an attack to her left fan, and prepares to counterstrike it.

Linde jumps backwards, her eyes on the prize (her fan). She flings the other fan at Faustus…
Her feet are pointed in the direction of the fan on the ground.

The fan spins towards Faustus… Open…

Faustus attempts to predict the fan’s movement so he can block it, and tries to jump forward so he can catch Linde before she can pick up the other weapon.

“cmon move move. Questions later. Questions Later” Matija goes to unlock his door

You see the fan… coming closer, and as you try to block it, the fan goes upwards…
Faustus immediately sees Linde dashing towards the fan on the ground…

But what is she going to do after that? She is not armed at the current point in time, but she can be pretty dangerous.

Majita opens his door.