Academy {Main Thread}

Matija quickly enters, shuts the door and locks it

Due to his failed prediction, it hits him, and now heā€™s dealing with dangerous Linde. Very fun.

That was helpful.

Karen takes out a book.
ā€œI believe this belongs to you, Master Magnus.ā€

Hunter put it in Terryā€™s room, didnā€™t he?? Why was it with Karen?

It doesnā€™t, as Faustus expects a fan to hit him, but it was a diversion.

Linde successfully grabs the fan from below and leaps upwards to grab the other fan.
ā€œHere I go!ā€ She declares.
She is wide open though, as she charges her attackā€¦ pretty openly. Her hands are open on both sides, ready to spin at Faustusā€¦ Just that her chest is a pretty spot to attack.

ā€œWell, I got lucky, he didnā€™t even ask anything.ā€
Hunter thought.

Faustus mutters ā€œImpressive.ā€ He then feints a jab at her right side again, though this time, he switches his gladius to his left hand and attempts an attack at her stomach.

Matija finishes up his bread and goes to unlock the door ā€œOne at a time please!ā€

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ā€œAh shit, here we go again.ā€


ā€œMaster Hunter. May I have a word with you?ā€ Karen asks.

Elise is visibly confused, but shrugs it off.
ā€œIā€™ll be with Ferris. Ferris, may I have a word with you?ā€
Munchkin Ferris is eating and led away by Elise.

ā€œSure Karen.ā€

ā€œKaren. I would like Hunter to see me first please!ā€

(Is there any windows?)

ā€œI apologise in advance, but I shall resolve the matter. I am your caretaker, and thus I know of everything that happens in these halls.ā€
She bows to Majita.
ā€œPlease excuse us.ā€

She brings Hunter downstairs.

There areā€¦ but theyā€™re all in the rooms. So unlucky.

ā€œAnd I canā€™t fake trip because this damn superhuman maid will check me!ā€
ā€œYou know of everything?ā€

Faustus attacks the side, and as expected, Linde uses her left fan to attempt a blockā€¦ butā€¦
Suddenly, the weapon that was on the right handā€¦ went to the left.

A strike. Linde falls over.

The duel is over. Faustus has won.
ā€œOoh, youā€™re really strong! No wonder my sis was always talking about you.ā€ Vivi remarks.
ā€œI fell for that feintā€¦ itā€™s my loss.ā€ Linde sighs.

ā€œMaster Hunter, you do realise what you have done could be attributed to stealing, right?ā€
Luckily for him, no one else was downstairs.

Karen suddenly seemed like a caring motherā€¦

ā€œI just switched some things around. Whatā€™s wrong with that?ā€

Faustus extends his hand for her to grab on and pull herself up. ā€œYou did amazing, had it not been for missing that feint you probably wouldā€™ve won.ā€ And he looks at Vivi in confusion, forgetting she loves making mischief. Oh poor Faustus.

ā€œThanks.ā€ Magnus takes his diary.