Academy {Main Thread}

Hunter pulled out his steel sword completely.

“That’s more like it! After all, I told you all my age, they say a woman’s most beautiful secret is their age, so you best give the others a good show!”

Hunter advanced towards the instructor. James attacked at the gun again.
She dodged entirely, sidestepping towards Hunter. With her attention locked onto Hunter.

Hunter looked as if he was about to charge with the steel sword…but he instead threw it straight up in the air.

Magnus threw the shortsword over Sara’s head, towards James—

—James caught both, dropping the wooden sword, and knocked the gun away before pointing the shortsword at sara’s neck.

Hunter tackled Sara with all his strength.

Magnus grabbed Hunter by the scruff of the neck, crossing the distance between them quickly.

“A-are you sure that was a good idea?” Ferris whispered to Magnus. Clearly worried.

Sara looked at the boy, who caught both swords in his hand after spending all his strength to knock the gun off her hands.

“Oh boy, someone’s helping, that’s charming.”
She does a backflip, revealing a purple sword tucked in her robe. Flipping over Hunter and Magnus.

“But that’s not the only thing I have at my disposal. Naughty Naughty.”
She points the sword at the three of them.

Hunter…threw himself onto the sharp points of the trident.

Magnus spun it around and tossed it with an impossible strength, straight at Sara.

Hunter tried to block the trident throw with his arm.

“A… a sword?” Ferris gasped. Elise heard the commotion, and looked up as well.

Faustus opens his eyes, and rubs them, then looks at the party inside the ring. “Oh, Instructor got extra backup tools. Very cool. Now uh, why the rivalry all the sudden?”

“Technically I didn’t cheat,” Magnus pointed out. “You made no rules.”

“Well, that is true. I’ll give you that. But that does mean I don’t have to keep defending, right?” Sara winks.

“You ready?”

“James…The Wood Sword.”

“Oh fuck,” Magnus swears.

“Well, I would go back to conserving energy but this looks interesting. Wonder what surprises are in next.”

Hunter dived for the wood sword that James dropped.

Magnus raised his fists.