Academy {Main Thread}

Then he sees the gem. He taps on it twice, expecting something.

“If this is a simulation…”

It does seem to emit a faint glow… but you tapping it just makes the glow a tad bit brighter.

Hunter grabbed his steel sword back from James, and tapped the gem like crazy.

“Let me guess, they’re all magic now?”

And if you go check the combat shell, it wasn’t broken. Touching any of the buttons would spring it to life.

“Knew It,” Magnus muttered before grabbing the Trident. “Can i call it to my hand?” He joked.

“That’s not how the quartz works, dummy.” Ferris remarks on the 2 tapping on their weapons.

Sara clears her throat. “Indeed. That is a quartz, not just any ordinary quartz. We took them off one of the leylines gathering here at the school. Allows us to use something we call arts.”

Not to mention, Terry has made his way back to the group, clearly indignant, but he keeps quiet.
“Arts require time to charge up, so you may be attacked in that time span.”

“And no, I don’t recommend throwing your weapons around. You can’t cast arts like that. Usually, that is.”

“Thanks for telling us earlier,” Magnus muttered.

“Arts? Like Magic?”
Faustus is still inspecting the quartz, eager to see how it works.

“It’s like magic, like in the fairytales we read as kids” Matija yawns.

Ferris looks at her phone, fiddling with several settings.
“There’s a quartz in the phone as well.” Ferris notes. She closes her eyes, and a faint glow comes from the phone.

“Phone? Is that what this… machine is?” Elise picks up the device, flip phone… Hmm…

“Well, you all have to link your devices to you before you can effectively use arts, through the mana pool in the quartz.” Ferris explained further.

Confused Elise intensifies.

Faustus just sits there with a blank expression on his face. “Well, I’m officially stumped now.” He looks down, then mutters in a softer voice, with an exasperated tone, “That means all that 28 hours each week I spent learning this weapon is useless, very fun.”

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Magnus took his phone and held it over the Trident.

Matija just fiddles with his rifle. waiting for more instructions

Magnus examined the flip-Phone.

“Yep. That phone right that is your very own All-Round Communication and Unison System Device! Or honestly just call it ARCUS. It’s a beautiful communications device, with the collaboration of two of the forefathers in technological design. And couples as a battle orbment that allows you to cast various different types of arts.”

The instructor speaks.

“Though, the quartz is what allows the magic we call arts to happen. So we embedded something we call a Master Quartz into each and every ARCUS. They each have an element, so check the colour on your ARCUS and weapon!”

Blue: Magnus
Green: Elise
Light Grey: Matija
Light Gold: Ferris, Faustus.
Red: Hunter
Dark Brown: James
Black: Terry

“They’re different elements with different properties. It’s up to you, not all of the best fighters in the world use arts after all.”

The flip-phone… or ARCUS, I should say, had 8 holes seemingly to slot in more quartz, with a giant circular quartz in the middle linking out to all the others.


“Think of it as your personal magic wand. Though don’t worry, we trust you’ll not be using arts in the streets or for street fights.”

“I’m a wizard?”

“Yer a wizard Hunter!”

“I’m a wizard!”