Academy {Main Thread}

Elise fiddles around with the ARCUS herself, completely enthralled by the small device. Meanwhile, Ferris sighs.

“I mean, boys will be boys.”
She then noted Hunter in the background.
“… Hmph.”
She looks towards Elise, and walks to her, choosing to talk with her instead.

Hunter sighs not knowing what he did wrong.
“…Hey, can I shoot fireballs out of my ARCUS?”

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You could. But… You don’t know yet. And besides, there is a cast time.

“Try not to use them outside of the school fields, unless you have a compelling reason to do so that we can overlook… as these are still school property after all.” Sara explains.

“Do we just like, say words? Or is it more like just a hand waving thing?”

“Well… it’s more of pressing buttons. Though the annoying thing is you’ll have to stay fixed in your location for the arts to actually be cast. Technology hasn’t fixed that issue yet. It’s annoying.”

“Hmmmm…What do the color’s stand for?”

“How about I have every colour,” Magnus jokes, holding the ARCUS.

“Anyway, What are we learning now?” Jem asks.

“Not more combat, I hope,” Magnus grumbled

“Yeah uh…Sorry for getting a little carried away.”

“So… is quartz magic specialized based on our weapon? and do the colors mean anything?”

“Well… to know more… you gotta ask your arts teacher… But here’s what I do know. Quartz are capable of storing mana, and the quartz in the middle is known as a Master Quartz, which has the ability of several different arts… Though I don’t have a clue myself. I can show mine though.”

Sara whips out her ARCUS, inside having an orange quartz embedded in the middle.
And she presses a button on the combat shell, which sprang to life. It floated in the field, just staying stationary.

She presses a few buttons on the device, and the device begin whirring. A ring appeared around her, written in letters, saying specifically, “CASTING”

After about 10 seconds, the ring around her turned into letters and formed into 5 pointers that gathered in front of her, to form which a spark of lightning striked through, striking at the floating machine.

“I’m not an arts person, so it’ll be better for Josie to teach you all arts.”

The machine itself seemed unharmed though. Must be the configurations.

“That’s cool. When will we be able to meet our arts teacher?”

“We’re gonna have a wizard teacher!”

“Magic shouldn’t be relied upon,” Magnus said quietly. “It’s about you, not about what resources you have.”

“Resources do matter! It matters how they’re used and whos using them” Matija reminds Magnus

“Then what happens if the quartz doesn’t work? Or is broken by an enemy?” Magnus counters.

“You use your other weapons. You should never be relying on one thing in combat. There’s a difference between relying on something and using it” Matija responds

“That’s assuming you have another weapon,” Magnus muttered. “Sometimes all you have are your wits”

“Everything is a weapon if you use your hand. If my gun jams and my bayonet breaks i still have a decent club to use. You always have a weapon even if it doesn’t seem obvious” Matija states