Academy {Main Thread}

“…Are you okay?”

Jem stopped. “I didn’t want to fight,” he explauned. “I’m not a Pacifist, but fighting will always be my last resort.”
He stopped speaking.

“Then why did you come?..For your dad?”
Hunter sat down next to Jem.

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“This is an academy for fighting.”

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Magnus glanced at the two of them and realised he would do more harm than help.

Matija taps Magnus’s shoulder to grab his attention

“What is it?” Magnus growls.

“Whats up with them?” Matija jerks his thumb at Jem

“I get that,” Jem said. “But I don’t want to fight. I— i can’t explain why I came.”

“It’s because you don’t know where to go. You don’t know what to do now, you don’t know what path you want to take. So…You’re trying this.”

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“It’s…so weird…How we’re both so similar… Yet so different.”

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“I know you don’t want to fight, but learning to fight doesn’t mean you’re becoming a predator who feeds on blood…Just that if you’re out of choices and you have to use your last resort…The learning increases the chance of it working.”

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“I don’t want to,” he muttered.

“You don’t have to.”

“Becoming good at something doesn’t mean you’ll want to do it more because you’re better at it. But if you’re really uncomfortable fighting…You can leave. It’s your life after all.”

“Well, orientation’s the only agenda for today.”
Sara announced, putting her hands on her hips.
“You all are free to explore the school grounds and look into the various clubs that are there in store for you.”

“I’ll be in the teacher’s lounge in the first floor of the Main Building if you need me! Oh, no fighting, the vice principal is quite the old geezer.”

Oh, and Terry is gone… Beatrice too. Must have been hauled off to the infirmary.

“Go on. You’re dismissed. And I expect far more things from you in this academy.”

The School Buildings.

There are a number of buildings to note of.

Main School Building.

The Infirmary, Teacher’s Lounge, Principal’s Office and Conference Room are on the right of the first floor. Second Year classrooms are on the left. Both ways have a staircase that leads to the second floor. The building is shaped like a Ushape.
On the second floor, we have Club Rooms on the right and First Year Classrooms on the left. And the third floor is a roof, allowing anyone to look over the place itself.

Student Union

East of the school building.
The canteen is on the first floor. Together with a weapons shop, that coincidentally sells quartz as well, you won’t be missing much from this shop. On the second floor, you’ll find more club rooms and the student council room at the end of the hallway. And on the third floor, we have a quiet study session area.

The Library

Straight East of the entrance.
Southwest of the building.
Study here, with much information about the world’s history, one can never go wrong here.

The Auditorium

Southwest of the school building.
Usually locked up when not in use, this is for students to practice their fine arts.

The Gymnasium.

North of the school building.
Sporting the club room for the Fencing Club, as well as a swimming pool, this place can be popular at times. Also, on the second floor are several storerooms for the Gardening Club and the clubs forementioned.

The Garden

North of the school building.
A haven for the Gardening Club, this place is where the flowers grow. There is a small pond for fishing enthusiasts to fish on. This is besides the Gymnasium and north of the school building.

The Fields

West of the School Building.
A place where students train in the aspect of fighting, where the Riding and Lacrosse clubs belong.

Engineering Building.

Northeast of the School Building. Houses the Engineering Club. Though it seems to be locked up for now. Check back later?

“Cool, think I know where I have to go first.” Faustus heads for the Gymnasium, eager to either get a good workout or joining the fencing club; Or both.

Hunter continued sitting next to James.

“C’mon Elise! Let’s go!”
Ferris drags Elise towards the main building.

Girls are strange. They’re suddenly like best friends.


You walk in, seeing the fencing club room to the right of you. And to the left, changing rooms.
You hear clanging inside the fencing room.

Faustus peeks inside the fencing room, wondering how many people there are.