Academy {Main Thread}

“…Well, enough lurking around, I’m going to explore.”

Matija heads over to the student Union

You open the door. You see one person in blue, the other in white.

With a brilliant twist of her hand, she pushes past the student in blue’s sword. It touches the boy’s mantle, and it knocks the student down to the ground.

“Shit! Not again…”
The noble puts down her sword and gives a helping hand.
“You’re already really good. You’ll reach me soon.”
And the boy grabs her hand as she pulls him up.

“Heh, I’ll get you before we graduate, that’s for sure.”
The noble looks past the boy, and sees Faustus by the door.

“I wasn’t expecting first years so soon. Welcome to the fencing club!”

Faustus smiles; he finally feels at home. “Thanks, I am looking forward to being with you guys! Anyway, I am Faustus Duilius, but you can call me Faustus.”

Hunter slowly walked to the garden.

“Where do we sign up for clubs?” Magnus says to himself.

The club room is the size of two tennis courts, with a bookshelf full of books on fencing techniques. Trophies are placed on a glass shelf, which are placed near the weapon rack. A girl, with long pink hair is scrubbing the trophies.

“I see. I am the Captain of the Fencing Club, Friedel Torrins. It is my pleasure to welcome you into the club. You will have to fill out this application form and hand it over to the student council.”

She hands a form over to Faustus.

Friedel Torrins

Noble - Terrion - Year 2 Class I - Captain of the Fencing Club

The Garden

Outside the gymnasium, was a place full of greenery. There were two people there, a noble with silky blonde hair wearing a ladies cap, and a white haired girl that looked waaaay too young to be in this school.
They were planting seeds into the seedbeds. Though the white haired girl just stared at the seeds, as if waiting for a miracle to happen.

Matija walks up to the second floor to see the club rooms to easily figure out what clubs are available

“Woooooaaaahhhh…She’s gotta be really young…”

“What is she doing here? Was she snuck in?”

Faustus walks over to the pink haired girl, asking, “Hey, I’m Faustus, Faustus Duilius.”

Student Union Building

You walk past a huge dining area in the first floor that greets you the moment you enter, and walk up the stairs. On the second floor, you see many different rooms.

Literature Club - Lower Class Chess Club - Fishing Club - Upper Class Chess Club - Photography Club - Student Council



Magnus headed to The biggest building, the Main building.

(Just ignore the previous, I have big dumb)
Faustus takes the application, and says, “Thank you, Friedel.” Still gotta figure out a nickname for her. He looks at the application, wondering what it’s asking.

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Main Building

You walk in from the front entrance. A receptionist greets you.

She hands you a map, cool and refined.

Jem followed Magnus. “Wait up!”

The application form is an application form by all means. It has several blanks for the student to fill in, and those include name, class, club… and so on.

Magnus took the map before turning to James. “Feeling better?” He asks, examining the map for Clubrooms.

“Oh god damn it, curiosity is gonna get me so much trouble.”
Hunter tried to be sneaky and get a closer look at the white haired girl.