Academy {Main Thread}

“Ah, great minds think alike!”
He wastes no time being overfamiliar, wrapping his left arm around Matija.

Leon Armbrust

Year II, Class III - Unaffliated

He points to himself using a thumbs up, grinning.
“Name’s Leon. Call me Leo.”
Maybe he knows something about the Engineering Club?

“I’m Matija, nice to meet you Leo! Say you know anything about the Engineering Club” Matija just rolls with it

“Hmm… George ain’t here, must be out. But he does all the orbal equipment and weapons maintenance here. I help out from time to time as well.”

What is this, a one man show?

“Don’t know about where he’s went. The application form’s right there as well.”

He points to a stack of papers on one of the boxes.

Matija goes up to them and examines the papers “Tell me the truth, does it have a lot of members?”

“Of course it doesn’t dummy. Not everyone joins a club, and with 10 people per class and 2 years worth of students, 1 or 2 people per club is pushing it. Really. Doesn’t stop us from winning awards though.”

He flexes his arm muscles. He was trained in this school after all…

“Oh hey Elise, what is it? Why’d you call?”

“Sounds like my type of thing. Where do i turn in the form?”

“We have a chance to see how the second years take care of a monster on the Western Highways. Would you be free after lunch?”

“Monster? Hell yeah! Hold on, let me finish my bread.”

“C’mon now, here’s a pen, you’ll fill it in and say, I’ll hand it in for ya.”
Crow hands over a pen, before spinning a coin up into the air.

Matija grabs the pen and fills out the form

(Pls update the character note thread there are like now 10 more characters.)

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“We’ll meet by the radio station near the western entrance then.”

Hunter said while stuffing his face with bread.
“Hey, can I get an application sheet for the wind orchestra?”

You receive an application form.
“Heehee, this is fun!” Vivi exclaims, as she taps on the piano.

“Music is a form of art, after all.” The guitarist solemnly mentions.

“I’ll see you all later.”
Hunter asked Elise on the phone.
“Where should we meet up?”

Matija hands over the form to Leo “Here you go.”

“Well. I’ll just pluck it by the student council. Still got a job to do. Man…”
Leon takes the form and walks out, sighing as he does so.

“By the radio station by the Western Highway Entrance.”

Hunter walked to the radio station in the eastern highway.

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