Academy {Main Thread}

Indeed. Everyone was left speechless.

Lifea gave her a stern scolding while they travelled back. Of course, this was met on seemingly deaf ears as Fie seemed to misinterpret or misunderstand everything she said.

“Oh man, I like this one.” Leon said, much to Lifea’s chagrin. “She’s way underage, can’t hit on her.”

You have received a total of 5 Class Points. Total Class Points: 5

You return to the town of Finera. Fie was brought to the dormitories to shower immediately, hustled by a Lifea, even if she protested.

Matija approaches leon “Hey Leon!”

The guy has put his sabres into his sheathes and tucked them away under his jacket.

Class VI Dormitories are on the Eastern Side of the street, by the Train Station.

“Uh what was the giant thing. just a huge or wolf orrr?”

“Nah. Just a regular sized wolf. A mutation if you will.” Leon replies. He’s flipping his coin…

“Are these common?”

“Realllly hope not.”

“Thank god. Rather not deal with them more than I already have”

“I never got to finish my bread.”
Hunter checks to see if the wind orchestra application is untainted.

“Man, could have done it a lot more quicker though. But enough about that, why so serious? Say what, I’ll swing by your dorms later. I’ll bring George and Rinea.”

This second-year was pretty friendly.
“And man, just give me all your applications. I’ll hand it to our dear Lifea… or You can be part of the go-home club like me if you want.”

“I uh, haven’t filled it out yet. Anyone have a pencil?”

“Man. That a wind orchestra form I see there?”
The second year flips a pen over.

“Their leader’s a really hot one, you know?”

“This guy’s probably flirted with every single girl at the school.”
Hunter muttered under his breath.

“Not all. I haven’t flirted with the first years yet.” He winks towards Elise.

Elise bows gracefully. “It is time I take my leave. I’ll be in the dormitory.”

“The avoidance tactic. I see.” Leon nods and puts his hand towards his chin.
“Gotta think hard.”

Hunter took his form and filled it out.
Hunter then handed the application to Leon.

“Sure can do!” The second-year beams.
“Now, you guys should return to the dormitories. You should be tired after all of that.”

“I have a question. Why did we not bleed after getting hit?” Elise asks. “We should have bruises and more if hit by a beast that large. How?”

“Probably was from the mana thingy Sara mentioned when hunter was exhausted, or something.”

“Only logical thing” Matija takes out his ARCUS “Hey Leon could I add you to this or are you already on here?”

“That’s why when I was bit, I didn’t feel hurt, just more tired.”

Matija fiddles with his ARCUS, attempting to cast soemthing “Doesn’t mana act as a shield?”