Academy {Main Thread}

“Huh, sure thing.”

He takes Majita’s ARCUS and keys some things into it.

“You could take note of your ARCUS. There is a limit to how much your ARCUS can handle after all. Like mine, the protective barrier at 12% right now. One of those swings would be trouble if not for the ARCUS. Also why we can use proper weapons instead of fake dummies.”

There, Leon’s contact details have been added into the class database.

“appreciate it. Say did you turn in the form I gave you?”

Hunter checked his ARCUS’s protective barrier.


“Oh that? Sure did. It’s with Lifea now. She won’t miss it, that’s for sure. She never forgets anything. Oh, and the barrier refills itself in select area, like Finera. So don’t worry about it.”

Oh, Ferris is here! She walks out of the grocery stall, holding lots of groceries. She notes the group and walks over.
“Hey guys! What are you-”

Oh, you guys have blood on your bodies too. Even if it’s not as much as the girl prior, it did get your arms a little dirty.
“Blood?! What were you guys doing?!”

“Having a good natured fight! Yknow, to practice!”

“91%…Can I just like…”
Hunter stabbed himself with the steel sword twice.

Then Faustus throws his gladius at the sword, knocking it from Hunter’s hands. “Alright buddy, what if we run into something on the way back and you’re at 50%?”

It instantly drops to 53%. You don’t bleed though.

“theres much more effective ways to do that hunter”

“I’d at least survive three more stab wounds, don’t worry.”

Again, Ferris stares at Hunter.
“So guys, he’s an idiot, right?”

The second year whistles. Eyes locked onto her rear.
“Now that’s a babe!”

“And another idiot, right?”
“Augh! You wound me!”

“He’s flirted with every single girl so far, except the first years.”

“Im heading to my dorm” Matija walks off, still fiddling with his ARCUS trying to cast something

Faustus sighs, then walks over to pick up his gladius from the ground. He then goes back to twirling it around, with a bored expression on his face. “I still wouldn’t count flirting with every girl an achievement, that means he got rejected every time”

“Hey, maybe he actually scored with someone. Never know.”

“Man, these first-years are brutal.”
Leon mutters, sighing. He then gets himself up again, and winks at Ferris.
“Well, cya at your dormitories.”
He leaves, moving towards the school.

“I just felt a shiver up my spine.” Ferris said.
“Nevertheless, come on. I’ll bring you to the dormitories.”

Class VI, Dormitories

It is a newly built building, having a nice, cozy feel with orbal lights. There are a total of 3 floors.

First Floor - Dining Room - Storeroom - Kitchen
Second Floor - Gentlemen’s Rooms
Third Floor - Ladies’ Rooms
There are rest areas for the second and third floors upon climbing the stairs. To the left and right of the rest areas are corridors that lead to 4 rooms each. A total of 8 rooms lie on each floor.

Elise is on the second floor by the rest area, sitting on the couches there, wiping off the blood from her staff. She’s having a conversation with Lifea, who has her very much engrossed in some topic.

Fie is sleeping on the couch in the first floor by the reception area, completely free of blood and wearing a black jacket, while Sara is drinking beer… and she has a whole crate by the couch. She gulps down a bottle and slams it down on the table.
“Haah… Hello there my lovely students :heart:

“I don’t think a teacher should be drinking in broad daylight, and definitely not in front of her students.”
Ferris remarked. Frowning as she crossed her arms.

“Relaaax… This teacher can protect allll of you even when I’m (hic), drunk… Heehee :heart:

“Hi. Where’s the rooms?” Matija asks

“Wait…Does alcohol lower your mana?”

Faustus just stares at Sara in pure confusion and surprise.

“Woah, look at this.”
Hunter knelt down to the crate of alcohol.