Academy {Main Thread}

"Nahaha… You want one? Too bad, you’re all not of age. Hic :heart: "
She giggles, ruffling the white girl’s hair.

Ferris sighs, “I don’t even know what to say about all of this… Oh. Your rooms are on the second floor. Just find the door with your name and you’ll be alright. Everyone’s luggage is in there already.”

“…Yeeeeaaaahhh…Not of age.”
Hunter turned to face Sara and tried to take one bottle behind his back.

Faustus still doesn’t budge. He then looks at Hunter in even more confusion and surprise, then back to Sara.

“I always love naughty students like you…”
Sara grabs Hunter and pulls him away from the crate before he can take any bottles out.
“But I can’t have you breaking the law after all. I will be… hic, under a lot of implications.”

Matija heads up the stairs and heads into his room and flops down on his bed and soon falls into a deep sleep

“Aw man…I just wanted to try one.”
Hunter sighs and slowly goes back upstairs.

Hunter stopped and looked at the bottom of the stairs with curiosity.

Sara then stands up, before taking her crate of alcohol. She slaps herself and…
“Well, back to work. Today’s your first day, so take it easy okay? You’ll be wishing for more free days like this after today.”


“She just went from wasted to bastard… I’ll never know what she’s thinking.”
Ferris sighs.
“Huh? Where’d the groceries go?”

A whistling Sara enters the dining room. The dining room is combined with the kitchen after all. She has… all the groceries with her too.

Lifea and Elise are talking on the second floor, and you see them as soon as you go up the stairs. Nothing special about the bottom of the stairs.

Fie is sleeping on the first floor, by the couches.

“Don’t do it, it’s stupid.”

“…There’d be no harm done.”
Hunter looks at the stairs he just climbed.

It’s new. Best not to cast any artes.

“53% is enough…Right?”

Hunter got up to the top of the stairs.

Faustus slowly facepalms, then turns to Ferris. “Think we’re going to need the sleep for tomorrow, so I will see you tomorrow.” With that, Faustus turns around, and goes to climb up the stairs whilst twirling his gladius.

…“Only one way to find out.”

“Hmm? Who’s this?”

Ferris looks at Fie. Before shaking her head.
“Yeah. You’re right. I guess I’ll head up to for a nap…”
She proceeds to walk towards the stairs.

Hunter tumbled backwards, falling down the stairs.

Faustus has to dodge Hunter falling, and forgets to catch his gladius. It impales itself right into the stairs, and an even more confused look has appeared on Faustus’ face.

“Man… as if this day could get any weir-”

As Hunter falls down the stairs. The tumbling was terrible, but the impact was even more so.
Hunter felt pain as he rolled down the stairs. Of course, it didn’t nullify pain from blunt trauma.
And therefore crashed into… you guessed it Ferris.

Hunter’s feet meets her head, and they both crumple at the bottom of the stairs.
Hunter ends up sitting on top of a dizzy Ferris, who was the one on the floor. Not to mention, his left hand ends up lying on one of her breasts.

Fie wakes up, wondering what all the noise is about. She gets up and looks to her back… and sees the situation.

Faustus looks at the 2, shaking his head. He then turns to his gladius, and mutters, “Oh fuck.”