Academy {Main Thread}

"“Sleep tight Fishy.”

Ferris is stumped, not knowing what happened.
“Umm… Did she cancel the arte?”

An energy rises in Magnus, just as if he woke up in the morning.

Magnus blinked twice, but remained silent.


“Stand aside.” Jem came by, grabbing Ferris and Hunter. “I need to talk to you two — about Magnus, not with him present.”

“I shall return to my duties now. If need be, I’ll be in the kitchen.”
The maid bows gracefully.

“I never saw her before… Who is she exactly…” Ferris thinks out loud.
“Hmm? James?”

“Bull,” Magnus said, pushing himself up. He was no longer exhausted, and he easily grabbed the trident. “You can speak about me with me present. I have a right.”

“Not necessarily, you three talk about me when I‘m not present right?”

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Jem pushed Magnus back. “You still need to sleep.”

“I don’t, actually,” Jem said. “I only exclude oneself when being present does more harm than good.”

“He… doesn’t look as tired…??”
Ferris sees the obvious difference.
“Who is she…”

“I don’t know if I should be here, so I should really get going.”
Ferris remarks sighs.
She says this, especially in regards to Hunter.
She excuses herself and goes out of the room.

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“Wait,” James said. “I know why Magnus is — was — so tired. And I need to talk to you about something else anyway.”

Magnus looked at James curiously. “What I do is none of your business,” he says. He takes his diary off the bed and tosses it onto the desk before walking out.

He heads out into the yard, looking for Terry.

“So…He‘s gone… you can talk now…”

James sighs. “Wanted to talk to Ferris,” he muttered before coughing. “He’s been out of bed at night.”

“…Does he have a girlfrieeeeennndddd???”

Jem thought about it for a moment. “Although he looks like the type, he wouldn’t be shy about it. If he had a girlfriend he would just tell us, not do it during the night.”

Choose your location. Refer to the first post for places you can go to.

Magnus felt for his diary, which wasn’t there. He decided to go to The Fields.

As Magnus reached the Fields, he looked around for Terry.