Academy {Main Thread}

“What kind of technique do you use?” Magnus asks. “You don’t fight like a knight.”

Elise smashes the bot a whomping total of 4 times, and Majita stabs the bot in its chest. However, the bot does not seem to be fazed, and smacks the both of them.

Elise 0% HP, 70% MP
Majita 72% HP, 70% MP

Bot 1 10% HP

“Urk! We’re almost there! Not… now…”
Elise is down, a sudden wave of exhaustion coming over her. She kneels down, unable to continue.

“I’ve heard of you,” Jem said. “Elise mentioned you. You were riding a monster, right?”

Matija fires off 2 more soul blurs, just to be safe

The bot smacks you away, and you cast an arte. It ignores the downed Elise, so yup, its not gonna hurt you after the barrier was downed to zero.

The bot is disabled, you have completed the challenge.

“That doggy was fun. I had fun stabbing it from the top.” Fie replies to the two.

Time: 2:42.65

“Ugh, where does that place us?”

“Honestly, I’m shocked you didn’t keep it as a pet,” Magnus said, before grabbing Terry’s arm. “Our turn.”

“Not bad. Already better than 4 classes.” Sara remarks.
“Hah, eat that, stupid lieutenant!” She does a little victory dance.

Elise gets up with the help of Karen…
“You did wonderfully, I’ll help you with that.”
“Thank you… Karen, was it?”
“It is, my lady.”

Fie whistles, clearly wanting to go next.

“Hmph! We shall go forth then.”
Terry remarks.
“And this instructor… is she really an instructor?”
He sighs.

Magnus glanced at Fie. On one hand, Terry wanted to go. But perhaps this could give him some possible information.
“We’ll let Fie go first,” he said. “She obviously wants to go next.”

Fie nods.
“Yep. Sara, can I? I’ll do my best for once.”
She takes out her gunblades. Knives with a trigger to shoot out energy… quite different from the rest you’ve seen so far.

“You’re going alone?” Ferris remarks.

Fie steps out.

Magnus tensed himself for Terry’s wrath.

Terry couldn’t disagree. He wanted to know how strong Fie could be.

“Well, Fie. If you’re sure.” Instructor Josephine remarked, worried.

“I’ll be fine.”
She assumes a fighting pose. And the bots whirl to life again. Her eyes changed in spirit, a tad bit more focused than the usual deadpan interest she had been in all her classes.
“Eliminating targets.”

A barrage of bullets shot the ground, causing smoke to cover the bots. Fie began casting an arte, the one that Majita used earlier in fact. Chrono Drive. She became really fast… and zoomed through the gap they had in an instance.

“I’m jealous,” Magnus muttered.

She swung her blades at the smoke, striking against metal. The bot itself stumbled backwards, before it swung at Fie, who calmly stepped backwards, watching it miss. She then unloaded another barrage of bullets into the bot.

The bot then started casting artes, but Fie proceeded to swing her blades again at the bot, both hands swinging in one direction. The bot’s arte was cancelled, and she swung both blades downwards.

Yet, the bot suddenly radiated with a blue light, the other bot casted Heal on the first bot, healing the damage.

Fie immediately switched tracks, knocking the first bot away and immediately focusing on the second.

Fie 100% HP, 60% MP

Bot 1 60% HP
Bot 2 100% HP

Fie then brought her wrath down onto the next bot, smacking the bot around as if a puppy with a rag doll.

The first bot fired at Fie with an arte, but that was niftly dodged by Fie, who proceeded to fire two shots at the bot. The second bot proceeded to swing at Fie, who she backstepped by a narrow margin. Then, both of them started casting artes.

Yet, Fie fired at the ground again, creating smoke.
You then hear the artes cast, blowing away the smoke and healing the first bot up, but Fie had ran one big roundabout to where the second bot was, effectively dodging the artes.

“You’re mine.”
She swung both blades at the bot, and the first bot swung at her, who she blocked with one hand, but she continued the assault with her other gunblade.

Fie 90% HP, 20% MP

Bot 1: 80% HP
Bot 2: 10% HP

“Fie!” Magnus says. “If you want more reach, you can use my trident.”

“Master Magnus, outside help is prohibited in this tournament. And I would say she’s doing quite well.” Karen remarks.

“Outside help? It’s hardly outside help if I don’t fight,” Magnus argues.

“It’s over!”
Fie knocks the two bots off balance with one strike, with both knives. The second bot is disabled.

“Now, your turn.” Fie turns onto the other bot, who swings at her, but of course, she’s just going to sidestep.
“ARCUS, activate.”
A light shines from the ground, enveloping the bot.

“Let’s go.”

Fie 90% HP, 0% MP

Bot 1: 30% HP