Academy {Main Thread}

You left the fields…

Hunter and James proceeded to duel each bot one on one.

Hunter: 100% HP 100% MP
James: 100% HP 100% MP

Bot 1: 93%
Bot 2: 84%

The bots prepare to strike back with their arms. They raise it up high, a big intent.

Hunter tried stabbing the bot 3 times, then quickly backing away to avoid its attack.

Magnus headed to the dorms main building, only taking the most secluded path, not the quickest. Abort action if someone is there.

(This is not death game, this is a roleplay. Dorms are OUTSIDE of the school grounds.)

(Oh you’re right)

James decided to lunge at Bot 2 unexpectedly, striking on the side. He was betting an attack like this would surprise the bot.

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The first Bot gets stabbed 3 times… and Hunter jumps backwards, the bot smacks… and hits the sword. Hunter staggers, disorientated from the sudden force on the sword.

James stood still, and as the bot smacked downwards, he ducked forward to the first bot, launching an attack on the bot, disorientating it, and Hunter recovers.

The second bot is floating ominously behind James, with an arm outstretched.

James walked away?

You headed for the main building, though the whole place was kinda open, so there were two options. From the courtyard near the garden and gymnasium, or from the front entrance.

Hunter tries to cast the arte Fire Bolt at the second bot, hoping he doesn’t hit anything else.

“The gymnasium is only opened when in use,” Magnus thought. He decided to check it out.

(Brb in 30 minutes.)

Hunter began casting a fire bolt at the 2nd bot, but James walks away.

And he fires first, a fire bolt travelling through to the bot.
But the bot seems unfazed.
And follows James to give him two whacks of the arm. From the back onto the head too.
The first bot swings at Hunter after that, giving him one heavy smack, and he staggers backwards.

Hunter 78% HP 80% MP
James 53% HP 100% MP

Bot 1: 74% HP
Bot 2: 73% HP

The gymnasium is open. You hear many voices in there. I think that’s one of the instructors in there too.

“Probably not a club,” he thinks, and looks back, seeing if one of his classmates followed him.

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(That was exceedingly quick you faggot how could you)
You definitely felt a presence behind you.
The road was clear, but the bushes on the sides could hide people well enough. Left or right?

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James began casting his Arte Guardian.

Magnus smiled amusedly. Probably Fie. He pretended not to have noticed and walked away from the gymnasium, towards the main building. She would have no choice but to reveal herself, he thought.

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Magnus walks towards the main school building, taking a corner to walk towards the courtyard.

There was most likely a presence. Right as you turned the corner.

“Damn robot’s are strong…”
Hunter redirected his aim to the first bot and started slashing at it.

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