Academy {Main Thread}

“Sure.” Fie starts tagging along with Magnus.

“No one knows much about you,” Magnus says, walking away from the Main Building. He shoved his private diary in his pocket. “You’re impressive, but no one knows who you are.

“I don’t understand.” She follows Magnus as they walk back. “I’m Fie.”

“Yes, but think about it. You can ride a monster. You use gunknives. You’re strong. But no one knows your backstory. How about this; i’ll ask you a question, then you ask me a question.”

“… Sure.”
Fie stops walking, and looks him in the eye.

“Alright. First question; what is your full name?”

“Fie Claussel. Where were you going?” She curtly replies, before shooting a question back.

“I was going into the Main Building,” Magnus said with a laugh. Not that easy, Sugar. “Are you royal, noble or commoner?”

Boom shakalocka. There goes one bot. From a flurry of attacks on both sides.

The bot still attempts to attack James.
Its laughable really.

Hunter 78% HP, 80% MP
James 48% HP, 50% MP (DEF UP)

Bot 2: 73% HP

James tackles the bot.

Hunter leaped at the second bot aiming right for it’s head.

“Commoner. Why were you going outside of class?” Fie replies, shooting a question back.

“Because of what I was going to do.” I will twist my answers if you ask me about it. “Why did your parents send you here?”

James goes for the body. Hunter goes for the head. Double hit. The bot is off balance, and starts casting an arte.

Hunter 78% HP, 80% MP
James 48% HP, 50% MP

Bot 2: 59% HP

“I have no parents. What were you going to do?”

(Bot health?)

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“I was going into the main building,” he said. “I’ll let you ask another question.”

“Then, what were you going to do after reaching your destination?”

Hunter threw the short sword at the bot, then rolled out of the way.

“I was going to collect what I needed and leave. If you have no parents, who trained you in combat?”

She replies, without breaking any facial muscles. A dead-pan face stares on him, before she yawns.
“Boring. Time to take a nap.”

She quickly zips to the field, zoom zoom. That was quick.

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