Academy {Main Thread}

Ferris seems to be fiddling with her ARCUS.

Faustus finishes stretching, and walks over to Ferris. “Alright, think I got us our pla- what are you doing?” He looks at her fiddling with the ARCUS, asking in a inquisitive manner. Weird, maybe he only needed the stretching. Probably cause he’s going to be beaten mercilessly by the pair of robots.

She places a shiny blue gem into one of the slots.
“Oh? Just putting my family quartz in.”

What does that do?

“Family quartz?” He tilts his head, indicating he isn’t understanding much. Maybe it’s just cause his family was full of merchants. He frowns at the thought.

“Oh, this little thing has a whole lot of water related artes. And the thing is, only my family can use this quartz, which is neat!”
Ferris bragged, holding her index finger out in the air.

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“Wow… that’s… cool?” He looks down, right at his gladius, and he starts twirling it. He sighs then looks back up, also stopping his twirling. “Anyway, I think our best strategy is to focus targets. I can get bot 2 since it has low durability, while you can hone in on bot 1 due to it’s low arte defence.”

“Actually, could you try holding them both off? I think I have an arte that can finish both of them in one go.”
She smiles.

“I could give it a shot, but I’m not the absolute best at being a soccer ball.”

“I’ll support you with artes first, so don’t worry.”

“Alright then, I guess your plan is good.”

“ARCUS, activate.”
Ferris casts 2 artes on Faustus. And one on herself. Though, it seems hers had a lot more mana than the others… Probably some of her tinkering. She did seem to know more about the ARCUS than anyone else.

Faustus felt a great warmth wash over him, as the artes flowed through him. A quickness on his feet was he felt. A blue light enveloped Ferris as she opened her eyes.

Ferris 100% HP 94% MP (ATS UP)
Faustus 100% HP 100% MP (DEF UP, SPD UP)

“Done. After all, this is part of our preparations.” Ferris grins, firing another arrow up.


Magnus went to the main building and walked to the receptionist. “Hi,” he said.

“Hello. What can I do for you?”
The receptionist asks.

You would know that your classroom is on the second floor, go up, turn right, and walk all the way to the end of the corridor.

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I’m not going to the class.
“I would like to reach the files classified under ELDORIS, my family name.”

(Lol i didn’t realise)
James hits it with his stick, everywhere he can reach,

“I’m afraid we don’t have that kind of information, this is an academy, not an intelligence division…”
The receptionist awkwardly smiles, baffled by the unusual request.

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Magnus smiled. “I don’t mean the information on my family. I want to know if my parents enrolled here. It might help me learn a little more about them.”
Magnus liked the joke.

“I’m sorry, but all information of our alumnus is disposed of one year after graduation. I’m afraid we do not have the means to do so.” The receptionist answers.

“You don’t keep it A-Z?”