Academy {Main Thread}

“Her name is Karen. She, If I remember right, is the caretaker of Class VI’s dorms. Let me guess, you haven’t flirted with yet?”

You see Fie with a flower pinned on her head. Probably pinned on by the Gardening Club captain. A small purple flower, fitting for her.

She holds out some metal shards.
“This is sepith.”

“…I need to find James.”
Hunter looked at the clock to see when the wind orchestra was over.

“How— did you…?”

“Aha, you guessed it.”

“Come on Leon… the last time you tried flirting with Sara… you ended up in the infirmary for 3 days…”

“Oh man, she’s right. Betcha Sara has a thing for me now.”

The session was over.
The door opens and another Vivi(?) comes in.
“Vivi?” The second Vivi asks…

“Is that supposed to be in a good way or no?” Faustus chuckles at his own joke.

“Because I’m small and light. You’re heavy. Jumping like that won’t get you anywhere.” She grins… looking at the bruise on the head.

“I’m fifteen though!” He protests.
It was true. He had hit the tree head on.

“And there goes literally everything I planned for.”
“Oh, you must be her sister!”

“It should be good, right?” Leon nervously says…

“Nope. It’s not.” Lifea remarks, smiling as she brings a cup of tea to Faustus.
“He’s right… The Principal should be bringing the next assignments here any minute now.”

The second Vivi, similiar in looks, had cut off her hair to her shoulders, making it easy to differentiate them.

“Yes… I’m Linde…” She looks away shyly, bringing her hands together in front of her, head bowing lightly.

“Alright, I’ll stick around then. And thank you.”
He warmly smiles, taking the cup of tea.

“Wow, they really do speak and act like opposites of each other.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Hunter.”
Hunter raised his hand out for a handshake.

“George what are your thoughts on this?” Matija’s sketch seems to be a tank. It has high mobility and space for people exchange for weaker combat capabilities

“Alright. I’m not going to ask how you got that. You want to carry it?”

James returns the diary to its location and leave’s Magnus’s room. He heads to the staircase and just walks down, not hiding his appearance.

“Mmm… technically you can do this… while the practicality is high, it will take more than a few months before people are able to complete it… Too high a risk for this reward…” George remarks, thinking of the training that armies would have had to go through.
“I’m pretty sure that one day you’ll be going to Thashopolis. You can go to the Institute of Orbal Research, I know someone who’s amazing with war tech.”
He sighs.

“Th-the pleasure’s mine!” Linde stumbles over her words, rushing to grasp Hunter’s outstretched hand.
“Thank you for looking after my sister!” She says to the whole group.
“See? My sis is the cutest in the world!” Vivi exclaims, beaming. She heads towards the two of them and smacks them both together.
“Ehh…???” Hunter doesn’t budge, but Linde does and falls over into Hunters grasp. “Vivi!..”

You see two girls talking. One Ferris and the blue jacket girl. Seems to be a senior too.
“James? Did you forget something?”

“This isn’t much. But good enough. I don’t need Quartz anyway.” She yawns.

“Glad to see I’m headed in the right direction” Matija quickly rolls up the piece of paper and ties it closed “Back to the drawing board I guess” Matija chuckles

“Oh, and I got a request for you.”
He points to two orbal radios on the shelves.

“Could you bring that to the student council room after we wrap up? Lifea’s been waiting forever but I have to tune up the orbal bike out there.”