Academy {Main Thread}

Oh, and as Lifea walks out of the storeroom, the door opens, as an imposing muscular beast of a man walks in. Of course, it was the Principal walking in, with dignity and collection. He had one envelope with him.

“Afternoon, Lifea. I see there’s more people here now.”

“Sup.” Leon greets the principal.
“Good afternoon, Principal Vandyck.” Lifea responds. “What’s the request today?”

The principal hands over an envelope to Lifea. On it is labelled “To All Student Council members and Year 1 Class VI members.”

“Oh. Did not expect to see you right now Principal Vandyck. Pardon me if i mispronounced your name” Matija looks like they really dont want to be here

“Go on. Pat her head. She’ll like that.”
Rachel says,
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep her in check. She loves to imagine too much.”
“Rachel!” Ferris stands up, her face beet red.

“Um… Hunter… I thought…”
She started bumbling over her own words, before bumbling over her own words… even more. She then turned away and ran up to the third floor.

“I see Class VI is here as well! Well, Lifea, Leon, you’re free to go.”

Hunter sighs.
“Well, now it’s more awkward. Neat.”

“Only two members of it sir. Why do you need our class in particular?”

Faustus looks at the principal, saying “Good afternoon, sir.” We’re totally going to get chewed out. But on what though?

“Here. Open this. It’s for your class.”
The principal hands the envelope over.

Open it

Matija opens up the evenelope

“Lets go to the Engineering club, then.”

Investigate the Old Schoolhouse

Client: Instructor Valestein
Hey sweeties! They say the old school building’s making some sounds lately. I have been tasked by the principal to go… but I don’t really have the time… you see… so you’ll be going in my stead! Oh, and ask some from my beloved class too. They won’t refuse. And especially, bring Fie from my class. They’ll be a great help, I promise!

The principal sighs as he shakes his head.


The two walks towards the Engineering Club.
“Oh, who’s here?” George looks up from his bench, looking at the two newcomers.
“Class VI? Welcome! What can I do for you today?”

“Goddamn it Valestein. Your probably…” Matija trails off “Did the whole class receive this?”

“Hi.” Magnus extends his hand, as is custom.

“We’re here to get some quartz for this poor guy. Also, using these.”
Fie hands over some time quartz to George.

“Sure thing.” George takes Magnus’ hand. “I’ll have it up in a jiffy.”

“He’s strong, but slow. Could get some fire quartz for him too.” Fie says out.

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“I’m not slow,” Magnus retorts.

“Oh c’mon, lemme see…”
Leon takes the envelope from Majita.
“Weew… It’s Sara! She never gives requests, what’s with one now?” He exclaims.

“Hmm?” Lifea locks the storeroom and walks over to see the contents of the envelope as well.

“Slow.” She says, with a little snarky grin on her face. Where did she get all those sepith though… She hands over a small amount of red sepith to George.

“Got it.” And George started working his magic… and voila, two quartz ready.
“Just bring me the sepith and I’ll make a quartz for you.”

“I dunno shes probably hammered. She was during the time attack as well”

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“Technically i beat you in the time trial,” he says. “and i didnt even use my Artes…”

“Mmm, you had Terry though. I had to do it by myself.” She says.

Quartz obtained
Attack 1 - Increases strength by a small amount
Chrono Drive - Increases SPD by a small amount