Academy {Main Thread}

“You look like a chick out of his egg, but don’t worry, I’m 100% X, so you can fall for me safely. All the guys wonder that, you see.” Rachel grins, swiping her hair behind her.

“Now… what’s to eat…”

“what are those she’s sprinkling on it?” Magnus asks, having never seen spices and herbs before.

Faustus follows Ferris as well.

“Girl. Yes, she’s a girl. Just leave it. Leave it, you have things to do.”
Hunter went up the stairs to the second floor.

James stares at Magnus. “Herbs. And spices. It gives food an exotic flavour.”

Hunter walked to James’s room door.
Hunter checked if it was locked.

Karen puts strips of cheese onto the dough, on top of the spices. Followed by promptly sliced strips of beef.

And she takes out a torcher, and started baking the dough. A heavenly smell of cheese and spices filled the air.

“Wow… that smells amazing!” Rachel walks into the dining room. “You’re making me real hungry.” She hops over to the kitchen counter, observing Karen.
“Welcome! Would you like one too?”
“Oh yes please!”

And the door had stairs leading downwards…


A vast area of green marble laid before the three people, with green archaic walls. It was as if a labyrinth… no… it was one. Several layers of ground could be seen, for the three were standing on the top floor.

“What is this?!” Ferris exclaims, bewildered by the view in front of her.

Hunter opened James’s door.

Woo, you open the door. Nothing too special or out off the ordinary.

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Hunter searched his drawers and his bed for any books.

Faustus lowers his weapon and just stares in confusion. “Ummm… now what? We just have to navigate through it?”

“Well then, What’s the rule? Always follow the right wall?”

“I… dont know…” Ferris mumbles.

There’s multiple monsters that can be seen… but it does seem to be manageable.

“I can make markers that we have passed by with my arrows. They can linger for some time.”

“Well, there’s the source of the sound. Guess it’s time to guide them to the afterlife?” He looks at Ferris, nodding. “That’d be very useful.”

“Maybe… but where’s Fie?”

Speak of the devil, she’s ignoring each and every monster and had made her way down 2 layers already. The monsters attempt to slash at her, but she dodges each attack.

Faustus just shrugs. “Just a normal day inside the academy, some random 14 year old girl that sleeps a lot in class is successfully getting past hordes of monsters inside some maze without taking a scratch.”


“Can’t let her have all the fun” Matija begins making his way down the layers

Hunter found James’s diary, grabbed it, yet didn’t look at it.
Instead, he checked if Magnus’s door was locked.

“This ain’t the place to die, but onward we go.” Faustus follows Matija down into the labyrinth.