Academy {Main Thread}

“Well, guess we’re just gonna collect some more sepith, I assume? Let’s hit it.” Faustus heads farther into the labyrinth.

“Oh, you guys already picked up on the Quartz? I didn’t even know until midway through my first year.” Rachel intrudes into the conversation

Matija slips the Sepith away “Dibs on the sepith as i know how to make it mkay?”

Hunter tries to deduce why Terry would have a hairpin.



A slime like monster is in the way…

“Really? That’s interesting. Do you know about the Mind Arte?”

Matija quickly fires two rifle shots at it

“Definitely. The Mind Quartz sounds cool and all, but it really just gives you more mana storage… or more MP space in your ARCUS.”

“Aw man, now my gladius is gonna get slime over it.”
Faustus still charges it, and attempts to jab at it.

You slice the slime… its like jelly.
Pew Pew.
The slime jiggles towards Faustus.

“Eat a flame arrow!”
Ferris fires.
It did some damage, but not much.

“Is it working?”

“Do you know how much more? It’ll be useful in a fight. Just use a damage Arte over and over.”

Matija sighs and fires two soul hours at it

“Damage Artes are useful and all… but… in a one on one fight, they arent useful at all.”


“Sword isn’t effective, very fun.”
Faustus leaps back, knowing he’s only getting in his allies’ way of aiming at it by sticking around.

The slime jiggles slowly towards Faustus. It’s pitiful… actually. Its moving like a sloth. Faustus steps backwards, and watched the sloth take 20 times the time to travel towards him.

Matija finishes casting one soul blur, and fires. It deals massive damage. And he starts casting another.
“Oh…” Ferris puts down her bow. “We should be done. It can’t really do anything.”

“I got this.” Matija seems to have a burning desire to kill the slime

“C’mon… probably depends on the ranking. And besides, standing still and casting something in the middle of a one on one is practically suicidal.”

“Gotta put it out of it’s misery, I suppose?”

Rip slime 101 has been smashed to bits.