Academy {Main Thread}

“I had to deal with a huge monster in the old school building and bagged myself a good chunk of wind sepith which i don’t plan on using so i guess i’ll throw it in the storeroom” he sighs “Your a second year correct?”

(There are only two years in this school*)

Matija goes to put up the sepith he has

(oh fuck i’m)

“You mind if i get something that’s been on my chest off it?”

“Sure.” He finishes keeping the items.
“Fire away.”

“This year is falling apart at its seems. Class II has a rivalry with Class I, why? Nobody fucking knows! Oh and that’s not the worst of it. Class II is split down the middle with two factions. Our class doesn’t seem much better, some of us have superiority complexes like terry, can’t handle the simplest of jokes or just open up randomly after first meeting” Matija doesn’t seem to being doing that well “I’m just shocked honestly, how are we supposed be the best when we can’t work together? Wasn’t there a quote or something along the lines of ‘a house divided on itself can’t stand’ I’m ready for our field studies group to get thrown in the infirmary. It’s not going to go well.” Matija sighs, putting the sepith away

“This happens every year. My seniors did, so did we.” George grins. “I think our year had it worse than yours. From what I have heard, Class IV has 2 people pitting heads against each other every time they meet, and Class III has a full on brawl. Class V isn’t doing too bad… Just differing views on the nobility. And from your class, there’s a groping incident and a spat, am I wrong?”

“Us second years have been gathering information on you guys, you know.” He remarks. He passes a key to Majita.

Engineering Club Building Key.

“Know nothing of the groping incident wasn’t there to witness it, also what spat?” Matija sighs “For me there’s a bit too many, we ain’t married yet”

“It is too many. Unfortunately, it’s perfectly normal in this school. That said, you have received your groupings for this month’s field study, right?”

“Yea. I didn’t really pay attention, the time attack did take a good chunk out of me”

“I’ll expect a lot of rage, especially when your homeroom teacher is Instructor Sara…”
He sighs.
“She hasn’t been too hard on you guys, has she?”

“She was hammered at the time attack. What do you expect?”

“Huh, so she can get hammered. I thought she was some kind of drinking machine that chugs all day without stopping… She’s actually pretty reliable in a pinch, though.”

“She’s damn good at hiding it. I’m going to work on more sketches, mind staying behind a bit to give your thoughts on them?”

“Haha, be my guest.”
George puts up a half completed piece of work onto the shelf. It resembles a glove of some kind. A gauntlet? The shape was there, but it’s just a lump of metal without any special properties.

Matija grabs some paper and begins sketching “Whatcha working on?”

“Oh, this? It’s a scrapped project from the Contrast Corporation. They asked me to pick it up, so I hitched a ride to Thashopolis and back. It’s a sepith extractor.”

“Interesting.” Matija keeps sketching

“If you need assistance, just tell me. I’ll just be putting these on the waiting shelves.”
He puts more half completed products onto the shelves.