Academy {Main Thread}

“She…is a weirdo.”

“I’m going to watch the duel.”

“No she isn’t,” James corrected. “She’s the coolest fourteen year old I know.”

“Well, we all have our opinions.”
Hunter smirked and walked to the station.

Finera Station

Well, the entrance is cool and all, and you can enter the building… You have some time before the train youre supposed to book goes off anyway.

Academy Fields

Have you ever thought of moving to the Fields? Fie is on her way.

Hunter entered the station out of curiousity.

You enter the station. You see people booking tickets, students included. Ferris is ruffling her hair at the front of the queue, waiting for her turn to book the tickets.

The place is spacious, with a waiting area on the right after entering the station. And the ticket booths are on the left, with officers pacing around the station, a light-hearted atmosphere that only this town had. Not too hectic, not too empty. The boarding gates were in front, with an officer to check tickets.

“Alright Class V. Let’s do our best.”
You hear as 2 groups of students go pass the gates into the train boarding areas.

Hunter looked at the two groups.

James reached the Fields with Magnus.

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Magnus looked for Elise.

There were two groups. Most prominently led by a black haired boy in a blue jacket. Definitely a first year. The other was led by a bespectacled purple haired young lady who seemed demure in all senses of the word, not unlike Elise, but without the noble aura. All from Year 1 Class V. A total of 8 people. They all left into the station… probably going far away if they’re heading out this early.

Not to mention, there is a Ferris walking towards you.
“Umm… hey.”
She looks away as she walks towards you…

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Magnus and James have reached the Academy. As they walked towards the fields, they see Fie by the side of the fields.
And yet, by the field, is Elise standing triumphant, with 2 white jacket students on the ground, out cold. There was another student, wielding a gauntlet…

“Impossible! There is no way that nobility can lose to such rabble!” He shouts in exasperation.

It seems that they have no idea of Elise’s identity, or they wouldn’t have made a brazen attempt on ganging up on her. Elise readies her staff, pointing it at the ground near the gauntlet boy, calmly and composed.

Terry passed by the commotion, as well, gathering by the place…
“Hmph. As if Elise will lose to such conceited people so easily.”
You were one to talk you asshole, Weren’t you the conceited one a while back?

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“Shit, say something not awkward.”
Hunter thought.

Ferris has 4 tickets in her hand.
“Yeah… here’s your ticket. So…”
She fumbles for words to say.
She’s not exactly holding the tickets out for you to take though…

Hunter slowly took one ticket from her hand.

“… So… about the trip…”
She turns away, putting the remaining tickets into her pocket.

“Yeah…About the trip…”

“Don’t let us down, okay…?”

Well, it got awkward alright. Ferris is beet red, trying to hide her embarassment.


Magnus won’t rise to such abuse. “if they learn to be better people, they may become better warriors, as well.”