Academy {Main Thread}

Magnus makes a shooing motion, as though to say Keep going.

Jem nodded, his mouth dry. He turned to the boy who had addressed the question and said, “James Smith.” At this point he wanted nothing more than to return to his seat, but couldn’t figure a way to do it without looking weak.

He decided he didn’t care and returned to his seat.

“Um, excuse me um…James?”

Hunter slowly got up and walked to James.
“Did you want to talk to me about something?”

Magnus stood up and intervened, knowing the girl would be upset to see Hunter. He pushed him back to his seat. “Is that a good idea?” He inquired.

You see the female representative that was outside collecting your weapons walking up onto the stage. Student councillors on duty start hushing everyone. One black jacket student walks to the second row, sitting down on the first seat from the left. The speech was starting.

Several Adults came and stood at the side of the stage. Probably your teachers?

“Good morning, dear freshmen. I am Lifea Fetz, student council president of the academy’s 317th student council.”

Lifea Fetz
Terrion - Commoner - Student Council President - Adored by Nobles and commoners alike, she is known to be one of the most helpful people on campus.

“On behalf of the second years, I welcome all of you to Forsyth’s Military Academy, Adiart’s finest academy for the military arts.”

“I will now pass on the microphone to our principal. Please welcome Principal Vandyke!”

The students began cheering, after all, his exploits were known far and wide. A muscular man, tall and strong, made his way up. He had a wrinkled face, but nonetheless his physical prowess remained strong. His clothing was of his old commandeering uniform, with the various Imperial medals pinned on his shirt pocket.

“Ahem. Thank you, Lifea.”

“Students that have enrolled in this instituition. First and foremost, I am sure you have many questions about what to do in your lives. At Forsyth’s…”

He began a tirade of the school’s history. Of how the first emperor himself started this school over 300 years ago. He then mentioned the achievements Forsyth’s had gotten over the years.

“And finally. We return to what Emperor Adiart addressed the first students of this Academy.”

“Arise, O Youth, and be the building foundation of this world.”

The auditorium was then filled with thundering applause. Lifea went up on stage and took over.

“We will then be separating into your different classes. Please go to the classroom stated in your handbook!”

@Ami @fireslol @Magnus @James @Lightsin
That is strange. For there was no handbook given to you whatsoever. Not even with the package that sent you your school clothing.

Students started lining up and leaving. Leaving the three students in black jackets visibly confused.

“What!? I have not heard of such ludicrosy! What handbook?” Exclaimed the boy with the black jacket.

“I think what he is trying to say is that no such handbook was given to any of us,” Magnus called down.

“Maybe we don’t go to a class, since we don’t have a notebook?”

Jem murmured. “This day just gets better every minute.”

Faustus then does as he says, as he slouches in his chair, and closes his eyes.

The truth dawns on Magnus. ‘We were supposed to collect them,” he says to his classmates.

“So they expect us to be mind readers?” Faustus says, with maintaining his same position.

“Hold on, the teachers will fix it,” Magnus says confidently.

“Now now. You must be wondering, I didn’t get a notebook, so where’s MY class, right?”

A voice pops out from behind. Most of the teachers were gone, besides one pretty lady in her late 20s.


Oh boy. It’s gonna be a good year.

“Seems on par”

“Are you Ms. Louche?” Magnus asks, having actually learned about the Academy.

“Or Ms. Rogner?” Magnus says, thinking.

“Damn it,” Jem says, too quietly for anyone the teacher to hear him. “We’re special Ed.”