Academy {Main Thread}

It just so happens. Your wooden weapon was not modified. What there is however is a steel sword next to it with a Quartz. And for some reason, it has the exact same feel as your current weapon.

Oh look, Poseidon.

Now you have two swords!

“I’ll take both.”
Hunter grabbed the steel sword.

“Neptune,” Magnus corrected, despite himself, and laughed.

“Watch where your swinging that thing” As he says this he swing the rifle around nearly stabbing someone the stomach

“Woah…Control people, we’re not at war yet.”

“Atleast i know how to use a sharp tool,” Magnus retorted, but stopped swinging the trident.

The counters are all decently spaced apart, so no stabbing will occur.

“Perhaps everyone should introduce themselves.” Elise speaks out, standing by a counter with a Great Sword.
“I shall go first.”

“My name is Elise Borealia. It is a pleasure to meet all of you.”

Hunter slowly put his finger on one of the trident’s points.
“Woah, sharp.”

Magnus jerked it away, making Hunter jump. “It’s sharper than an axe or sword,” he warned.

“Calm down man. Nothin wrong with being a tad bit curious”

"Wait, do we go in seat order…Or is by like last names? Or like nobles then commoners?

“Do we like sit in a circle?”

“Guys? Listen to Elise! She’s talk- Wait, Borealia?? As in one of the three houses? And ELISE BOREALIA?”
The girl exclaimed in surprise.


“Is Borealia like a disease?”

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“My name is Magnus Eldoris,” the seaboy began. “I was raised on a boat, leaving the water only when collecting supplies or bringing in seafood. I lived in Tempor. I’m only fifteen, although I do look older. I’m an orphan and — only child.”
Magnus hesitated before saying the end.

“It’s one of the major noble houses if memory serves me right”

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“You really look and sound like a demigod…”

“Perhaps,” Magnus said, although he didn’t look like he meant it.