Academy {Main Thread}

“Yeah,” Magnus said. “Tempor was alright. I’ve always wanted to go to the Westlands, though.”

“Is there any really geeky slash nerdy clubs?”

Faustus enters the main building, looking around, then goes up to the stairs to the 2nd floor. The student council was either here or the union, right? He walks around, then sees James, Ferris and Elise discussing. “Oh hey guys, any ideas where’s the student council at?”

“Well, I recommend the Literature Club or the Wind Orchestra.”
She hands a brochure over.
“The literature club is at the Student Union, take a left after going out through the entrance there, and the Wind Orchestra is at the second floor of the building. Take the stairs up and turn left.”

“Oh, it’s out the main entrance and to the left, as said by this brochure…”
Ferris replies.

“Indeed. How about we try Chess?” Jem suggested to Ferris and Elise.

“Literature Club or Wind Orchestra…Literature Club is probably for girls baking cupcakes and drinking tea.”
Hunter took the stairs up and turned left.

Jem entered the Wind Orchestra room just as Hunter came up the stairs

“Where is it…Ah! There.”

“Hmm… I don’t know…” Ferris ponders. “I doubt I’ll be going for that…”
“I won’t be able to join the lower class chess club. I would be going to the higher class chess club, and the students there are less than… savoury to get along with.” Elise sighs.

As James and Hunter go towards the Wind Orchestra, they see the 3 talking outside the room.

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Faustus sighs. “Course it’s in the brochure, I’m smart today.” He walks out, heading down the stairs and out the building, toward the student union.

“James! Knew you’d be here! It took me awhile to find you.”

“Hey Terry? Do you want me to show you to the Riding Club?”
Desperate to stop Terry from entering the teachers lounge.

“I have been there. And I am waiting for my sister. She is supposed to come out any time now.” Terry says, the subject of his sister apparently humbling him a little.

“Wha— Hunter?”
Jem hid his confusion well.

“I may be joining a gardening club…”

Sensing a time to get on his good side, Magnus says,
“Josephine Rogner? I’ve heard of her. She’s almost as cool as you.”

“It’s a long story.”

“Actually, it’s pretty short.”

The teacher’s door opened, and a woman walks out. Sporting short purple hair, she spots the two nearby.

“Oh hey there Terry-buns. I’ve been looking for you.” She winks.
You swear you felt shivers from the person beside you.

“Wow, you only got a shoulder injury? Wish I only had those injuries when I fought her.”
Terry gulps.

Jem waited.