Academy {Main Thread}

“Lifea. Lifea Fetz.” She takes the application form.

“Wow! The fencing club! Do you have an interest in swordplay?”
She files the application into a clear folder.

She does seem very busy…

“Yes, swordfighting is pretty fun; was one of the reasons I came here.”

“Yeah, you’re in luck! Friedel’s a real natural! You’ll be in her safe hands. I know Loggins is a very strong fighter as well.” She smiles at you, as her hands continue filing the remaining papers.

The door opens, and two people walk in. A white haired girl and Elise.

The girl looks around, before passing an application form to the president, whom the president promptly put into the folder…
“Hello Faustus. Have you already selected a club?” Elise asks.

The girl proceeds to the couches. Before looking at the president, she asks. “May I sleep here sometimes?”
“Oh, no one uses those couches anyway, so go ahead!”
The girl then proceeds to lie on the smallest couch, at the head of the glass table. She quickly falls asleep…

“Oh, didn’t expect you to turn up Elise. Chose fencing, I felt like it suited me.” Faustus looks at the white haired girl in confusion, but shrugs it off, turning to Elise “Anyway, found any clubs you like?”

“I have decided on the swimming club. I loved playing in the pools back at home, and I consider myself to be a good swimmer. To carry on their unbroken record in swimming would be an honor for me.”

She hands the form over to Lifea.
“That is a wonderful aspiration! I wish I had such ambitions too!” She though seems busier than the rest of them.
The document disappears into the folder in a flash.

The girl remains asleep at the student council couches…
After a brief pause, Elise speaks…
“Do you require assistance in any way?”
“Me? No! This is my duty as president! I can’t bother you with these! And besides, I can handle them myself.”

There’s a stack of papers at the end of the table left untouched.

“You sure about that? I mean, you still have that section to work on.” Faustus points to the untouched papers.

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Lifea looks at those papers, before she starts flustering.
“Oh no-” She lets out before covering her mouth. She looks at the papers, dumbfounded.
“Well, if you would, I would greatly appreciate it.”

“But, if they’re too tough, please do tell me! I’ll take care of it!” She looks at them, seriously, full of worry. She is one hardworking student president…

“Understood. Let us see the contents of the papers…” Elise remarks.
“These are… requests from the people of Finera?”

Find Missing Dog
Client: Lucy (In front of the gardening store in Finera.)

Material Gathering
Client: Raul (Student Union Building - All Purpose Goods Stall Owner)

Elimination of Dangerous Monster
Client: Principal Vandyck

She does this every day? You spy another stack, about 7 times more work than the papers have here. And with a chop, labelled, DONE. Hey, isn’t that overdoing it… A LOT?

“Choose one! I’ll handle the other two!” Lifea pipes up.

“Ok, you probably could use help a lot.”
Faustus grabs a stack, a nearby pen, and leans on the couch the sleeping girl is by, and begins the process of the filling out the papers.

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“This monster extermination request, would it be appropriate if I were to join you?” Elise asks. “If the principal labels it as dangerous, it must be precarious for you to do it alone, right?”

Faustus is filling out the papers, most of them fairly straightforward. You do, catch a glimpse that the white haired girl sneaking a peek at you in your work.

“No, no, the principal only assigns me work he’s sure I can do! But, I would appreciate the extra help.”

“Faustus, would you be interested in going out for a monster hunt? I would believe watching and aiding a second-year could boost our horizons.”

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Faustus looks up immediately, surprised he’d even be asked this question. “Uhh- Of course! I’d love to! When is it?”

“Maybe after lunch? Today’s a free day, so you guys can follow after all.” Lifea says.

“Then, I shall be sorting through the papers as well.” Elise says.
“I… thank you both very much.”

The white haired girl is fast asleep, isn’t she?

It doesn’t take long for you to finish those stacks of paper.
“Just to say, I really appreciate your help. I’ll be seeing you later by the entrance to the Western Highway!” Both Faustus and Elise walks out of the room.

“That girl… wasn’t really asleep.” Elise says, a little troubled.

It could be, it’s lunch time… the school is bustling with activity… the fields have been taken over by the Riding Club and the Lacrosse Club, and the 2nd floor of the Union has increased in volume.

The canteen is serving the following today.

Iced Gelato
Fried Fish and Chips
Various kinds of Coffee and Tea.

“See you then!” Faustus then turns to Elise, saying “I saw her look at my work for a bit… very strange. Anyway, do you mind if I sit with you for lunch?”

“I don’t mind.” She replies.
“The canteen was downstairs, was it not?”

Faustus nods, stating “Yep, first floor.” He walks down the stairs with Elise, then goes over to take some fish&chips.

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The 2 will be eating together in the canteen…

How about the rest?

Elise does get her own fish and chips…
“I have never seen fish fried like this… and these… are potatoes? Fried potatoes?”

“Well, there’s always a first, right?” Faustus walks over to grab a water from the canteen, then asks Elise “Want anything?”

“Please, get me a eastern red tea.” She requests.

Just then, you see Lifea running out with money in her hand.
“She’s really busy, isn’t she?”

Faustus pours eastern red tea into a cup, walking over to hand it to Elise. “Here you are.” He then looks over at Lifea running with money. “I don’t know why, but I feel bad for her.”

“Thank you.” She says as she receives the cup of tea.
“I suppose so. It has come to my attention that she is well-liked by all the second-years of the school. And I can see why.”
She takes another small bite from the fish and swallows.

The white haired girl then walks into the building from outside. She gets a jelly (the gelato) and sits opposite of the 2.

She didn’t walk out of the building, so was there a secret exit or something? Besides, the girl seemed way too young to be here. 13? 14?

Elise does seem to be disturbed, and she seems to directly want to confront the girl. Stop her? Or let her?