Academy {Main Thread}

“Oh? I see. Then…”

Elise and Faustus arrive on the scene.

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“So I guess Terry’s not coming because he’s Terry. Magnus is off being poseidon…Where’s Jem?”

“Flirting with Ferris?” Faustus jokes, noticing she hasn’t shown up yet either.

“…I doubt it.”

“She didn’t pick up the call. She did say she was out in town. And, speaking of which, does anyone know of ‘Fie Claussel’? I found that name when I checked the phone records for our class.”

A new name? Elise does seem pretty puzzled.

“Aw come on…Please tell me I didn’t upset her…She said it was fine!”

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“Ferris? The other girl in your class? She was in pretty high spirits when she handed me the form a while ago.”
Lifea states.

You hear a humming from the main street, with Ferris going in the opposite direction.

“Oh thank god…”

“Don’t mess it up another time Ferris”

She doesn’t hear you all and proceeds to the eastern side, still humming.



“I thought we were observing second years fighting it? But dying is alright with me as well.”

“Don’t think my parents even know I’m here so, screw it!”

“Oh… I see. Well, let us be off, shall we?” Lifea says.

“Well, betcha got some hot blooded first-years. And ooh, quite a stunning beauty! Mind if I ask your name?”

Turning around, you see a grey haired guy hitting on Elise.

“Haha… oops. Can’t do it in front of Lifea.”
He lets go of Elise, who doesn’t seem affected in the slightest.

The group would now travel to the highways. You can see monsters off the main road, but not on it.


Western Highways

The main road is free of monsters, but you can see wild wolves and slugs on the sidelines, though they won’t come near the road. Thankfully for the monster repellents.

“Man, what did Van-dick give you this time?” Leon remarks, grinning.
“A giant wolf extermination request…”

After a 10 mins walk, you see a giant wolf on the main road. The lanterns there are destroyed, and several smaller wolves are rampaging around on the main road.
“So… guys, you’re here to observe… not fight… Got it?”

“Can I pet it?”

Are you an idiot.

“How about riding it?”

“Got it mhm. Won’t fight it” Matija’s rifle is slung over her shoulder