Academy {Main Thread}

“Uh oh.”

“Uh oh is a understatement Hunter”

“I don’t think that’s the one we let go…”
Elise remarks.

The gunshot hits, but it seemingly does no damage to the beast. At least it annoyed it.
“Leo! Now!” Lifea shouts out.

“Heh, about time. Time to stop playing around, here we go!”
Taking advantage of the beast’s distraction, he jumps into the air, and is ready to go.

Just then, lightning pours down, but Leo catches the lightning into his blade. “Just a bit of my tricks, big pal!”

He proceeded to fling himself at the beast, “Take t-”
Promptly whacked away by a claw. But, he embeds his sword in the claw before being blown away.

The beast roars. Though it is still bleeding. From the top and the claw.
“Leo?!” Lifea exclaims.

“Oh boy, that is NOT a wolf!”

“Matija, bullets don’t seem to work, maybe you can like, jam the gun into it’s eyes?”

“On it” Matija fires a bullet at it and then rushes in to stab it with his bayonet

Hunter held his steel sword behind his back.
“Here, doggie, here.”

Elise moves in with Matija, readying her staff. The beast swipes at the two of them, and Elise flicks the staff upwards, deflecting the claw upwards. Matija stabs into back of the claw, where the wound was. The beast howls in pain and proceeds to swing at the two of them, but is prevented because of a gust of wind.

“Don’t rush in like that!” Lifea scolded. She proceeds to start another cast.
“Ow… Back to work.” Leo steps in again, standing in front of the 2. “At least, that’s what I would like to say.”

The beast howls, this time louder. Though, it doesn’t seem to focus on the people in front of them.

“I think it’s wolf lion hybrid.”

“Sorta seems like it. Wait hold on.” Matija rushes behind hunter and pulls out ARCUS and examines it

“Oh yeah, we have those!”
Hunter pulled out his ARCUS.

The huge beast starts swinging its head around.

“It’s dangerous up there! Come down!” Lifea shouts.

“Here goes nothing.” Matija presses a button on his ARCUS

“By the way Matija, if I die because you used me as a human shield, I will haunt you!”

Elise seems to have noticed something as well.

Oh, it seems that there was someone on top of the beast.
Faustus and Hunter will find her familiar.

Matija tries to tell who it is on the beast

Well, you can’t tell, the beast is too furiously trying to shake said person off.

Elise proceeds to go into a stance. “I’ll strike for the head!” She yells.
“Cover me, everyone!”
(Going for school. Gtg)

“I see.”
Leo preps his ARCUS.
“Let’s go then.”

(see ya shu)


(Please send in your posts)
@fireslol @Lightsin @Ami