Academy {Main Thread}

“Once again, it’s my pleasure to meet all of you.”
She bows. Sara passes her a piece of paper.
“I’ll be in your care.”

“Yep. And please announce this for me, Karey…”

“The Surprise Time Attack!”
“You have 10 minutes to warm up, and choose a partner. You have to defeat a preconfigured Combat Shell in the lowest time possible.”

Time Attack!

All Year 1 classes are to compete.
Class VI : 2:27.42 | Magnus, Terry |
Class I : 2:30.29 | Yen, Bruce |
Class IV: 2:43.23 | Linde, Vivi |
Class III: 2:45.87 | June, Larry |
Class II: 2:47.26 | Joseph, Yano |
Class V: 2:47.97 | Philips, Uzu |

Only the top pair in timing will be considered for this exercise.

“Do your best everyone!”

Combat Efficiency Ranking
This is what all students have observed in their battle practicals.
Elise: Strong frontliner. Weak to ranged attacks. Quite durable. Loves rushing with combo attacks.
Ferris: Strong Artes User. Weak to close-range. Not fast enough to dodge close ranged attacks. Is very accurate however. Can cast a moderate arte: Flametongue.
Terry: All-rounded. A tad bit stronger in artes. No weaknesses, but no strengths. Prefers mid-range.
Fie: Very fast. Only Elise and Magnus have ever managed to make her move faster, but you cannot help but wonder, is she even serious?

Arc 0 to Arc 1 Improvements

Hunter: Has greatly improved in his swordsplay.
Faustus: Has greatly improved in finesse and technique, with his strength slightly increasing as well.
Magnus: No notable increases. But less fatigue. Has greater insight and tracking.
Matija: Has increased in accuracy. Also, has learnt the Arte: Soul Blur. Can also cast: Chrono Drive.
James: Has increased in speed. Has improved in technique.

And… Fie yawned, looking away, completely uninterested.

Matija approaches Elise, hoping to partner up with her

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Faustus walks over to Ferris, hoping the duality of long range and short range will help overcome the bot.

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“Matija. I was hoping to pair up with you,” She says.

“Faustus?” Ferris looks surprised, coming up to her? She wasn’t really that useful, was she?

“Also, this is the time to plan! The configurations for the bots are as follows.”

Bot 1

Melee Arm.
Casts Fire Arte: Fire Bolt
High Durability, Low Arte Defence

Bot 2

Melee Arm
Casts Tear (Small heal)
Low Durability, High Arte Defence

“The bots will disable on barrier depletion. That’s when the time is stopped.”

“What are your Artes like Elise. Mine arent that good for attacking. Hell i dont know what Chrono Drive even does. still figuring that one out!” Matija lets out an uneasy chuckle

“I am not too sure myself. One shoots up a gust of wind… and the other just blows wind in an area. I apologise.”
Elise sighs.

“Hey its ok. So it seems we should try to use our Artes on Bot 1 and destroy Bot 2 with our weapons. Sounds good?”

“Yeah, wanna team up?”


“Are we teaming up like last time?” Ferris widens her eyes, in it with a wild enthusiasm.

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“Yep, my close range expertise and your long range capabilities will hopefully overwhelm the bot.”

“You got it. From the looks of it, they will attack us as well. They are slow, so that gives us an advantage.”

“Should we focus on Bot 2 first? Easiest to defeat then I can try to use Soul Blur on Bot 1 as it does a bit of damage along with my rifle?”

“Sure thing. I’ve been fiddling around with my ARCUS. I’m ready to go!” Ferris shouts.
“In fact, I got this Quartz that allows me to cast a good arte. It won’t disappoint.”

“That would be ideal. However, they may attack us in the midst, so we need to be careful.”

Health bars

In battle, there will be a health bar that will be displayed on your ARCUS. When it drops to 0, your barrier will be disabled.

“As long as we can defeat the bot then it’s done its job.” Faustus twirls his gladius, getting his arms ready for the long and hard fight.

“Yea, does that sound like a decent plan?”

“Two busted bots, coming right up!” Ferris yells.
“Aurius Lurius!”
The bow begins shining again, and arrows form in her hand.
She begins firing into the field, warming up.
“I’ll back you up, don’t worry!”

Elise nods.
“I’ll draw the attention of the bots then. Ever since I got the ARCUS, I’ve been feeling light on my feet.”

“Sounds good. I’ll try to see if the others have any plans” Matija walks away and heads to Faustus