Academy {Main Thread}

Magnus turns his trident around, swing from his back into another slash on the bot. And he thrusts the trident into the bot. The bot’s arte however, activated as he thrusted, almost cancelling it.

Terry casts an arte, the area around the first bot erupts, cancelling the artes the bot had. Magnus is too far away to be injured by it.

“You won’t pass me.” Terry had taken the advantage of the ensuing flames and taken up position between the bot and Magnus.

Magnus 100% HP, 100% MP
Terry 100% HP, 70% MP

Bot 1: 39% HP
Bot 2: 43% HP

“They’re… really in sync…” Ferris mutters.
“My brother has finally grown up a little.” Instructor Josie smiles, crossing her arms. “They got those bots on the ropes, and it just been over a minute.”

Magnus readied his trident and speared the Bot, impaling it to a degree so it CANNOT survive.

“Wow…He‘s really is a demigod.”

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Magnus, stopped for a moment, and readied his trident, but is met by two smacks from the bot. Surprised, he staggers backwards, before going in for a thrust. The bot moves away, getting scratched by the trident. The force blew it away.

Terry is parrying the other bot attack for attack, but he pauses, before making a series of rapid thrusts, which the first misses… but the rest hit true. His sword glowed during this flurry, and the bot attempted to smack the sword away… but to no avail, for it was too quick.

“Now’s our chance! Don’t let them up!”
Magnus feels a sudden increase in power, speed. He also felt light on his feet.

Magnus 56% HP 100% MP (STR SPD EVA UP)
Terry 100% HP 65% MP (STR SPD EVA UP)

Bot 1: 9% HP (BLN DOWN)
Bot 2: 31% HP

“Just a scratch… it could have been magnificent.” Sara remarks.

Magnus darts around the Bot’s outstretched arm and swings, going for a strike that will remove its arm from its body.

(Imma assume you’re going for a full blow swinging UP instead)

Magnus darts between the bot’s arms and strikes upwards from behind, sending it upwards, instead of breaking off its arm. Of course, these bots aren’t so easily broken apart. The bot swings its arms onto Magnus…

…And Magnus pulls the Bot up, pushing it away so it’s between him and Terry.

(Aaa I need to be more descriptive)

The bot swings at Magnus again, but Magnus grabs the flailing bot and turns it over… but wh- oh.

Terry had just mopped up the first bot with a flurry of rapier strikes and thrusts. “Hmph. How pathetic.” He remarked of the bot as he walked towards Magnus.

Blam! A thrust strikes, a finishing touch on the bot.

“Wow! Would you like to know your time?”
Sara is all smiles.

Magnus paled, before slowly nodding.

“2:27.37!” Sara announces, clearly very happy.

Class is 1st. Gained +2 Class Points.

“A matter of course.” Terry declared as he walked back, unequipping his rapier.

(Wait isn’t that slowest time?)

“They did it! So fast! Now I want to outdo them!”
Ferris exclaims, clearly fired up.

@fireslol @James
You’re up next.

Elise is still downed.

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“Impressive i msut admit” Matija is smiling. Matija approaches Elise and tries to pick her up

Magnus breathed out.
I couldn’t have done it yesterday, he thinks.

James swings his stick around. He’s daunted by the idea of the Bots, although he doesn’t show it.
“Hunter, you ready?” Jem says.

(She’s lying down by the instructors, face up. She’s still conscious.)

Elise had a little colour returned to her cheeks, it seems that if your barrier HP went to 0, it literally exhausts you in all senses of the word.
“Pardon, Majita, could you tell me who was out there fighting? I couldn’t see the fight.” She smiles weakly, attempting to get up.

“Me and Terry.” Magnus helped Elise up.

“Fie went after us. She wasn’t able to beat our time then it was Terry and Magnus. They heat our time by 20 seconds”

“Urgh…” She groaned as she was brought onto her feet.

Elise 0% HP K.O

“Being knocked out is a whole new experience. And well done, Magnus, and you, Terry.” She says, trying to stand on her two feet.

“No need for that. You should rest.” Terry remarks. Glancing ever furtively at Sara as he says so.

100% to 0 in a sweeping chop onto the shoulder. Just the thought of it made his shoulder ache.

Karen, walking over, put her hands on Elise, casting an arte.

Elise 45% HP

Elise suddenly felt a rise of energy, just like Magnus did. She stood on her two feet, without any problems.

“W-wow…” Elise could only mutter in surprise.

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“Uh…If I’m being honest, no. I am not ready.”