Academy {Main Thread}

Ferris follows Matija…
They spot Sara with the man in white, but they chose to go onwards.

“I don’t think Sara is hammered… What is she doing though… Who was that guy?”

“Eh, guess I was wrong. Probably spending the night out. Don’t blame her personally.” Matija walks into the student council room

“I insist,” he says. “And Magnus is very strong, i’m sure he’ll love to carry some.”
He says this loudly so Magnus hears him.

“Well, if you insist. What kind gentlemen you are.” Karen smiles.
She hops the grocery bag from her head down to her feet and made put more bags down.

It’s a wonder no fruits were damaged in the process. Not to mention the bags of different ingredients in them… How much did she even buy?

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“Alright, show time.” Faustus stands up, then realizes Ferris is with them. “Oh, I didn’t expect you to come. Regardless, do we have a location of the old school?”

"Should be by the Engineering building, theres a really old path there. Might lead us to where we need to go

After a hurried flustered greeting to the Principal…
Ferris takes a good look at the letter.

“Oh. I see why Majita would think that Sara would be dead in daylight.” She sighs. “And I think I do…, Principal, is it the path by Engineering Building?”

“That is correct. I pray that Agravain will be with you all. If there is anything dangerous, do not attempt to battle, flee and cease investigations immediately. Do all of you understand?”

@Magnus!” James calls over.

Magnus dutifully came over.

“Yes sir.” Matija quick checks their rifle to make sure its in working order

Faustus frowns, saying in an exasperated tone “Alright, I won’t.”

Both of you have 1 bag of groceries to carry. Karen is carrying 3.
“Please, follow me.” Karen brings her bags towards the dormitory.

Magnus picks up the bag
(pls let my superstrength arte activate)

“Understood. Shall we go?” Ferris asks.

“Good luck out there, I’ll just be chilling with Lifea.”
“Please, do contact us if there is trouble. We’ll go there as fast as we can!”

Magnus picks up the grocery bag… with some difficulty. It must be like 20 kilos? What was inside?

“Lets head out” Matija exits the student council room and begins walking towards the Engineering building

“I guess we’ll see what fate has in store for us.” Faustus follows Matija.

All three of you walk towards the Engineering building…

Sure enough. There was the path, by the corner of the school grounds. Barely noticeable in fact.
“There is a path. And it does seem to lead somewhere…”

James picks up the other bag slowly.

Matija silently walks down the path, rifle in hand

Slowly indeed, it proves pretty heavy.
Karen seemed to have bigger bags. Is she even human?