Academy {Main Thread}

“Uh… I’m your homeroom teacher? And I literally live in the room on top of yours? I even know about the rocky nights you have. That’s why I invited one of my friends along to the dormitory to act as your caretaker, hehe :heart:

“You know what I mean,” he said.

“Oh no, I have amnesia… I can’t remember that Elise… Ferris, Hunter, James, Majita, Faustus, Terry… and… uh… who was it again?”
She smirks. Pointing at Magnus.
It says group A and group B. But didn’t specify which class. Lazy Sara is Lazy.
She smiles.
“Anyhow, since you’re early, I’ll tell you about your surprise!”

She gives Magnus a piece of paper. There was a section “Rankings” that was written in Sara’s usual illegible handwriting.

Time Attack!

All Year 1 classes are to compete.
Class I : 2:30.29 | Yen, Bruce |
Class IV: 2:43.23 | Linde, Vivi |
Class III: 2:45.87 | June, Larry |
Class II: 2:47.26 | Joseph, Yano |
Class V: 2:47.97 | Philips, Uzu |
Class VI: Unranked.

Only the top pair in timing will be considered for this exercise.

“Now, ain’t it cool? You kids can have fun against these little babies. Though you may wanna wait for the rest to arrive first.”

Oh, now you know why the other instructor was coming.
If she was alone, who knows what kinds of things she’s gonna fabricate.

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“So we have two minutes forty?” He asks.

“It’s about Magnus,” Jem said. “I’ll tell you on the way to class. I think we have combat.”

Combat Efficiency Ranking
This is what all students have observed in their battle practicals.
Elise: Strong frontliner. Weak to ranged attacks. Quite durable. Loves rushing with combo attacks.
Ferris: Strong Artes User. Weak to close-range. Not fast enough to dodge close ranged attacks. Is very accurate however. Can cast a moderate arte: Flametongue.
Terry: All-rounded. A tad bit stronger in artes. No weaknesses, but no strengths. Prefers mid-range.
Fie: Very fast. Only Elise and Magnus have ever managed to make her move faster, but you cannot help but wonder, is she even serious?

Arc 0 to Arc 1 Improvements

Hunter: Has greatly improved in his swordsplay.
Faustus: Has greatly improved in finesse and technique, with his strength slightly increasing as well.
Magnus: No notable increases. But less fatigue. Has greater insight and tracking.
Matija: Has increased in accuracy. Also, has learnt the Arte: Soul Blur. Can also cast: Chrono Drive.
James: Has increased in speed. Has improved in technique.

“Yes, indeed. The practical lesson is starting.”
Elise nods, before going off to purchase the apple.

They proceed towards the school, passing by the chapel and the stream.
“What was it did you want to talk about?”

“You heard how Magnus has been getting more and more exhausted, less and less sleep?”

“Now that you mention it, Magnus was really out of the loop yesterday.” She noted. “But, why? Has he been losing sleep?”

“He’s been out of bed all hours of the night,” James said. “He arrived about two minutes before dawn today.”

Magnus returns the sheet. “It isn’t too clear,” he said. “Who are we fighting?”

“Out of bed…? That is truly worrisome. I’ll ask him later.” Elise remarks. She then bites into her apple, like a commoner would. “This apple is delicious. What a wonderful way of eating an apple.”

Who taught her that? That was Ferris of course.

“These babies, of course.” She slams the combat shells again, this time a bit louder. “Seriously, take a hint, and maybe all of our fine ladies may fall for you.” She winks.


Magnus examines the shells.

“Apples are delicious,” Jem agreed.

Jem and Elise arrived at the Fields.

Magnus noticed James and Elise and waved them over. There was no sign of physical fatigue on him.
“Terry’s in the stables,” Magnus said with distaste. He hadn’t liked the horses.

James noticed his tone. “Horses are amazing,” he argues.

“My, my. Aren’t you all the early little birds.”
Sara remarks.

Elise nods. “We have arrived.”
She takes a look at Magnus… Clearly he was refreshed, not the sorry sight of yesterday.
“You look better.” She says. “I was getting worried about you.”

Matija drags himself out of bed and heads to the Time Attack area thing

Faustus hops out of bed and follows Matija.