Academy {Main Thread}

“Oh hey Ferris! How are you. Amazing Arte i must say”

“Yeah! George has a way with Quartz!” Ferris beams.
“That being said, I’m here for maintenance on the ARCUS. I’m afraid I put too much stress on it during the time attack challenge.”
She hands the ARCUS over to George.

“Sure thing!”

“Yeah… best get him to do all the stuff now, because when students realise how quartz works, this place will be swarming with people.” Angel remarks, shaking her head.

He flips open the ARCUS. And asks,
“Mind if I let Majita check your ARCUS? He could use knowledge by showing some of your Quartz.”
“Sure. I don’t see why not.”

Upon getting closer… You see 4 slots filled with orbs, and 4 empty slots.

“Still can’t believe my eyes though, this Mirage Quartz is really something.” George comments, on one of the quartz.

“Interesting. Mind me asking what they all do?”

“Now, we can look at the two blue quartz… We see that faint blue on the side? That’s a Quartz called Mind, and you can see this shines brighter than the other…”

He starts explaining each and every nifty detail of each quartz.
And explains each effect carefully.

“Yeah. I can’t agree better myself!” Ferris claps at the information given. All of it is accurate.

“Alright.” Matija quickly heads back to the storage room and grabs enough time sepith for about 3 more “Pratice makes perfect” matija says this mumbling and quickly makes three more quartz

Magnus decides to fiddle around with the sepith…

Sepith Mass - Oops, you failed. This sepith can be traded for mira.
Chrono Drive ® - Speeds Up allies in an area. Increases HP slightly.
Chrono Axe ® - Flings an axe of time energy at the enemy. Unblockable.



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Matija quickly slots in the Chrono Drive and Chrono Axe quartz “Fuck. Ugh george know anywhere i can get rid of this Sepith mass?”

“Quartz. We can buy quartz at the School Union’s General Store.“
(I hate to use this Arte of mine, but desperate measures are to be called for.)
(PING HOST - @Shurian)

James headed back to the dormitory and entered Magnus’s room.

“Well… That’s highly useless for making quartz now…” George remarked, examining the mass. “You could go exchange it in orbal factories for cash, but since this building is an orbal factory of its own… just give it t-”

“Me! Give me!” Ferris exclaimed, her eyes shining with fervour. “I’ll bring it back in 4 days! All shiny and new!”
“?” George wonders.

“Oh. Quartz.” Fie notes.
She stretches her arms out, yawning.
“I don’t see why not.”

“George are you opposed to me giving it to Ferris so they can experiment with it?”

Jem takes the diary and reads it.
now I can use this knowledge in the rp.

Hunter started playing a solo on his saxophone, very very very slow solo, but still an improvement.

Upon returning to the dorm, you see a blue jacket girl in the dormitory sitting on the sofa. Seemingly waiting for someone.

And you walk past them and up into Magnus’ Diary.

“Hi,” James said. Please go away, I need to read someone’s diary.

You said “Hi” to the air, considering you went up to the second floor while the girl was at the first floor.
(Please, no need to rush your thoughts)

Magnus extends his hand to help her up.

Faustus walks to the student union, heading to the student council room.

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“Go on. I’ll meet you at the Engineering building.” Fie remarks, bending downwards, stretching her legs and knees as well.

“I said student union.