Academy {Main Thread}

“I… dont know…” Ferris mumbles.

There’s multiple monsters that can be seen… but it does seem to be manageable.

“I can make markers that we have passed by with my arrows. They can linger for some time.”

“Well, there’s the source of the sound. Guess it’s time to guide them to the afterlife?” He looks at Ferris, nodding. “That’d be very useful.”

“Maybe… but where’s Fie?”

Speak of the devil, she’s ignoring each and every monster and had made her way down 2 layers already. The monsters attempt to slash at her, but she dodges each attack.

Faustus just shrugs. “Just a normal day inside the academy, some random 14 year old girl that sleeps a lot in class is successfully getting past hordes of monsters inside some maze without taking a scratch.”


“Can’t let her have all the fun” Matija begins making his way down the layers

Hunter found James’s diary, grabbed it, yet didn’t look at it.
Instead, he checked if Magnus’s door was locked.

“This ain’t the place to die, but onward we go.” Faustus follows Matija down into the labyrinth.

You guys walk down the path.

Ferris marks the area. GF-1
You move forward to see only one direction, to move to the left. And a monster, a lycantrope, visibly pissed at the earlier girl because it could not land any hits.

And it screams at you.


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Matija quickly casts chrono axe to take a good chunk out of it

Faustus pulls out his gladius, and charges the beast, aiming to get a few hits in.

"You bake quickly,” Magnus notes.

The lycan charges at Matija, but is stopped by a counter charge from Faustus.

Ferris takes aim at the lycan.
Matija is still casting.

Hunter realized Magnus’s room was unlocked, then after a quick bit of searching found his main diary.
Then Hunter put James’s diary at the same place he found Magnus’s diary, left, then closed the door. Hunter took Magnus’s diary before he left.

Karen is still baking the bread.

“Wow! You’re using one of those? I want one of those!” Rachel exclaims in excitement.

“hold it off!” Matija continues casting

“A game of diaries.”
Hunter checked to see if Terry’s room was locked.

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Terry’s room is unlocked.
You open to see a room… that is surprisingly normal.

“On it!” Faustus attacks a bit more to provoke the creature, then goes on the defensive to stall.

Hunter then searched for his diary.