Academy {Main Thread}

“A game of diaries.”
Hunter checked to see if Terry’s room was locked.

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Terry’s room is unlocked.
You open to see a room… that is surprisingly normal.

“On it!” Faustus attacks a bit more to provoke the creature, then goes on the defensive to stall.

Hunter then searched for his diary.

Fautus strikes the creature. It screams in pain, and swings at the gladius, which it could not hit, because a leap back.

“Pierce it! Light Arrow!”
And Majita finishes casting…
And an axe appeared and flung itself at the creature

The lycan was bombarded with a arrow and an axe.
It dead. And dissipates into air. Some sepith dropped where it lay.

“Mm… some sepith appeared… so this is where sepith comes from…” Ferris notes.

You do not find any forms of diary in the room. Must be in his possession.

However, the cabinets seem promising.

“Indeed” He collects the sepith and makes some quartz if it’s enough

There’s a little bit of fire… a little bit of water… and a little bit of wind… not enough, thats for sure.

Hunter searched the cabinets for anything that could be sensitive information.

“You know James, I heard something interesting earlier. If we get water sepith, we could make a quartz with the Mind Arte.”

Rummaging through the cabinets, you spy a hairpin.

“Well, guess we’re just gonna collect some more sepith, I assume? Let’s hit it.” Faustus heads farther into the labyrinth.

“Oh, you guys already picked up on the Quartz? I didn’t even know until midway through my first year.” Rachel intrudes into the conversation

Matija slips the Sepith away “Dibs on the sepith as i know how to make it mkay?”

Hunter tries to deduce why Terry would have a hairpin.



A slime like monster is in the way…

“Really? That’s interesting. Do you know about the Mind Arte?”

Matija quickly fires two rifle shots at it

“Definitely. The Mind Quartz sounds cool and all, but it really just gives you more mana storage… or more MP space in your ARCUS.”

“Aw man, now my gladius is gonna get slime over it.”
Faustus still charges it, and attempts to jab at it.