Academy {Main Thread}

“Damn it,” Magnus said, following James.

“What are you doing?” Jem asks Magnus away from the group.

“…So…Is Elise like…a very famous noble?”
Hunter awkwardly trying to make small talk with Matija.

“Are you alright?” Magnus asks, trying to sound caring.

Faustus laughs at this attempt, thinking of it as something else than attempting small talk.
“Ok bud, why don’t you ask her yourself?”

(Can’t because Shurian is offline.)
“If you’re suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, no. She’s pretty sure, but not my type.”

“Yep, if memory serves me right she comes from one of the most prestigious houses. Same with the douche over there”

“The moment I learn how to cast a fireball, I am going blast him all the way to Demwir.”

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“agreed. Dont worry, not all of us are assholes as you can tell by me and elise” Matija chuckles

“Glad I’m not on anyone’s nerves yet.”

“There’s always that picky few though.”
Faustus frowns, but shrugs it off.

“Or that one person I bumped into…”

“Just because that one person, or many others, might not like you doesn’t mean you should dwell on them too long.”

“I want to say sorry, but I’m afraid that it’ll make it awkward.”

“Now, I haven’t been in that position so I can’t really help you. Just trust your first instinct.”

Jem Met Magnus’s eye with hostility and walked back over to Faustus and Hunter.

“Hey, are you alright?”

“He’s upset about something,” Magnus said, lightly joggng back.

“Speaking of, Posideon, I’m curious, why did you partner up with Terry?”

“Because I thought i’d fight him.” Magnus had averted his eyes, making it impossible to tell if he was lying.