Academy {Main Thread}

Magnus pursed his lips and looked around to see if anyone was wearing a black jacket.

You don’t see anyone wearing a black jacket… wait you do. Terry is walking out of the infirmary. He seems to be grumbling about something. Oh, and his shoulder is bandaged up.

Magnus smiles discreetly before joining Terry. “Sara cheated, if it makes you feel better.”

“Tch. I don’t need your pity words.” He walks towards the teacher’s lounge.

Oh boy.

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“She’s not there,” Magnus lies. “She said she was getting a coffee. My guess is she’s at the cafeteria.” He says it sympathetically and not too quickly so it sounds believable.

“Oh my god I’m so embarrassed, I should run.”
Hunter thought.

Matija leaves the student Union building and heads over to the Gym

The white hair girl grabs a paper from the noble. She then heads towards the Student Union… but just before she exits the area, she looks directly at Hunter.
And she walks off. No sign of emotion, whatsoever. But those words were even more direct than Ferris’

“I have… wait. Loggins? Where’s the pen?”
“Huh? What pen?”

They suddenly got into a pretty heated accusation party of the pen.

“Uhmm… You can borrow mine…” The pink haired lady puts the trophies back and brings a pen out.

James couldn’t find the Arts club.
He headed back down to look for Magnus.

There’s signs everywhere. You can’t miss it >.<

“Okay, um, how old is that girl? Is she even allowed in this school?”

“Thank you.” Faustus walks over to a wall, sits down against it, and begins the long process of this application.

(You never said he found it)

“She does look young… but she does seem interested, and I never turn away interested people. Hey, how about you take a flower as well?”

She gives Hunter a flower. Courtesy of the Gardening Club.

“Here’s an application form.”

Hunter smiled and went to explore more.

“Oh…My…GOD HUNTER CAN YOU NOT MESS UP MORE JESUS CHRIST. Where’s James, I need his diplomantic opinion!”
Hunter thought as he tried casually walk into the main buliding.

You searched through the second floor… and found the art room. Though, you see Elise and Ferris chatting outside the Wind Orchestra room.

Hunter walked into the main buliding, searching for James.

Completing the application, Faustus stands up and walks over to Friedel, handing her the form and her pen. “Here you are.”