Academy {Main Thread}

“Wha— Hunter?”
Jem hid his confusion well.

“I may be joining a gardening club…”

Sensing a time to get on his good side, Magnus says,
“Josephine Rogner? I’ve heard of her. She’s almost as cool as you.”

“It’s a long story.”

“Actually, it’s pretty short.”

The teacher’s door opened, and a woman walks out. Sporting short purple hair, she spots the two nearby.

“Oh hey there Terry-buns. I’ve been looking for you.” She winks.
You swear you felt shivers from the person beside you.

“Wow, you only got a shoulder injury? Wish I only had those injuries when I fought her.”
Terry gulps.

Jem waited.

“So, do you know the garden?”

Magnus decides to help Terry out and take attention off him.
“Pretend you hurt me,” he whispers to Terry before pretending to fall, wailing unconvincingly.

“So I go to it, and to my surprise, THERE WAS ACTUAL PEOPLE THERE. And there was this young girl who looked like, 13! I was like, trying to sneak up to get a closer view, but then the noble, the leader of the club spotted me! And me being the dumbass that I am, I was speechless.”

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Terry grabs onto Magnus, making sure he does no such thing.
“This is my sister we’re looking at, stand at attention.”

“Man, back in the day Instructor Sara broke my entire class into pieces… You guys have it lucky.”
“So. You finding the school nice yet?” The tall instructor walked towards the two boys. She crosses her arms, taking a good look at Magnus. Before beaming with enthusiasm.
“My my, who’s this little charmer? A friend?”


“Just lie. Say you were looking at several different clubs, you noticed the beautiful garden, but you probably wouldn’t join it, since it wasn’t your thing.”

“But she gave me a sheet! And I took it because I don’t things to get awkward!”

“Yep!” Magnus says eagerly. “Magnus Eldoris, seafarer from Tempor.”

“Why do I get into so much awkward situations around girls? Like, give me a break for the love of Adiart. First Ferris and now a gardening club leader?”

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“My my, I would look forward to teaching your class.” She beams. "He’s a charming little one, though unfortunately, too little

“Sis- no, Instructor, why didn’t you say anything about artes before I came to the academy?!”

Oh, and it just so happens that Elise and Ferris walks by the two people on the way to the rooftop.

“… What about me now?” Ferris gripes in, her face turning black the moment she heard Hunter. And not to mention, she was the object of interest! And what was this? And now a gardening club leader?

Ferris’ eyes… are dark… as if they were looking at an insignificant pile of trash… And Elise was just there, maintaining her composed self, though a little more… wide-eyed by the coincidence.

Hunter had not noticed Ferris walking by.
“James, I know you said I should just apologize and be honest, but isn’t that going to make it more awkward? And what about this sheet?”
Hunter held up a gardening club application form.
“Do I just ignore it? Do I just leave it be? Do I give it back?”

Student Union

You head towards the student council room…


“James, please, just help me!”

“I would be willing to sign up for a volunteer job, perhaps security,” Magnus said.