Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}

You have met the character named George Reelings. He is the inquisitive mechanic of the school, fixing anything and everything. He has taught you many things, and showed you how to put the quartz inside the ARCUS. You have yet to reveal this to the rest of your team, but he has also taught you how to synthesize Quartz. Though, you don’t have the materials yet.

I will murder you Kai if you don’t share this knowledge.

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Quartz into ARCUS yes.
Synthesis is unique to Engineering Club students… Hoho.
Each club has its unique perks too, including the go home club.


But me and Magnus are orphans.

Dormitory. Orphans dont matter (Because they have a home here)

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You never seen her before



Current Combat Stats! Posting it here.

Combat Efficiency Ranking
This is what all students have observed in their battle practicals.
Elise: Strong frontliner. Weak to ranged attacks. Quite durable. Loves rushing with combo attacks.
Ferris: Strong Artes User. Weak to close-range. Not fast enough to dodge close ranged attacks. Is very accurate however. Can cast a moderate arte: Flametongue.
Terry: All-rounded. A tad bit stronger in artes. No weaknesses, but no strengths. Prefers mid-range.
Fie: Very fast. Only Elise and Magnus have ever managed to make her move faster, but you cannot help but wonder, is she even serious?

Arc 0 to Arc 1 Improvements

Hunter: Has greatly improved in his swordsplay.
Faustus: Has greatly improved in finesse and technique, with his strength slightly increasing as well.
Magnus: No notable increases. But less fatigue. Has greater insight and tracking.
Matija: Has increased in accuracy. Also, has learnt the Arte: Soul Blur. Can also cast: Chrono Drive.
James: Has increased in speed. Has improved in technique.

Sleeping now btw

Please do not hesitate to interact amongst yourselves.

As long as it doesnt get too chaotic, its okay


Hello! This is a Role-Play! In the Roleplaying Section!
Though I’m falling asleep already so I’ll catcha later.

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I’ll post everyone’s artes list here in the meantime when I wake up

I have read them.

James not you
Terry had already come out onto the field

Wait really? I didn’t see that either.

You’re actually really good at making rps. This is getting me into more rps.

Im trying not to flop XD

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Trust me, it’s working great.
(Ooh hi @Ami)

epic gamer moment

/Punch Kai