Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}

Terry isnt gay
Ferris… nah
Elise is kinda out but kinda not

hold up

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If this was a human opponent, he’ll step backwards and be watching you slash crazily at him while you dont make movement with your feet, so try to write in feet movements.

Guardian makes me immune To damage? Let’s go!

You take reduced damage.
26% to 1% per hit dude


Oh god.
James do it on Fire if he gets downed.

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Shurian, I’m not going To give straight answers.

I know, but do you think I’m the one? Its not me, I’m playing a character here, and she is the one making the decisions.


I know exactly who Fie is, the person we discussed, although I won’t say it.

Who is she tho

Ask in the character sheet post.



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Who is she?

She’s Fierro.

I suppose i did phrase it strangely.

Yes you did
“Files under my family name”
Usually refers to classified information.

Also, hold on imma have to refer to your backstory a bit.

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Correct term would be to ask directly
“May I ask who enrolled me here?”
But hello? Ill need to check your backstory

I’ll ping you

I wanted to sound like James Bond, but whatever.

Which clearly states
Soldiers gave a recommendation and you went…