Academy: RE:VAMP (Interest Check)

I did an action already lol.

bitch do you not have eyes

I actually did an action.
Do you want me to quote it?

my guy
you did not actually do an action

this aint sandbox theatre of the mind

we got mechanics

It was a block.

did you seriously read nothing battle related

What are you even talking about?
You didnā€™t exactly be specific in your action either.

yea i said attack when it was my turn
you said block
a. that is not a valid action according to mechanics
b. it was not your turn

Allow me to quote the following;

Hi Shuri.

(I made a mistake, itā€™s supposed to be Threnvi, canā€™t link names to players yet)

bruh momento

Ah. Well now you guys can see it wasnā€™t my fault.

Also since when is block not a valid action? Youā€™re saying you have to fight every turn unless you have Crafts or Arts available? Seriously?

ā€¦did you not read fucking anything

holy fuck i need more weed

Of course I did.
Two days ago.

how hard is this to get

There is another option - Move (to position yourself better).

Or you can just pass the turn.

So a block isnā€™t a valid action?
It would raise defence for a turn.